Monday, September 29, 2008

I tried sniffing Coke but the ice cubes got caught in my nose.

Today I heard a radio ad for an air conditioning repair company. It said they offer free in-home estimates. Whew! I was afraid I would have to get that thing off the roof and take it in to their shop!

I got the patio cover project done. That fabric will stay up there through a hurricane! I'm guilty of overkill but that was the plan.

Chuck or MNF?
A: Yes. That's what the "Last" button is for.

Decent bicycle tires aren't cheap!

The late President Ford was first a Congressman from the district in west MI that included Grand Rapids. I think it was during my Junior year that he came to speak at the college I attended in G.R.. During a Q&A afterward I asked him whether he saw his responsibility to vote what the majority of his constituents wanted, or to vote what he knew was best for his constituents even if it was different from their choice. He answered that this was the perennial question in a representative democracy and required a case-by-case analysis.
IMHO that's the dynamic we witnessed in Congress today when 228 Representatives, most of them Republicans, voted against the bailout plan citing the outrage of their constituents.
Yes, many (most?) Americans are justifiably - uhm - angry that CEO's are getting millions, deadbeats are walking away from mortgages and Wall Street fat cats are getting bailed out to the tune of $700 billion worth of tax payers' money. Lots of them have been screaming at their elected representatives to vote against the bailout. It's also true that those same Americans would say that M2 is a machine gun, Ben Bernanke plays for the Steelers and the Asian Markets are where you go to buy fresh boc choi.
This financial mess is extremely complicated. Way over my head, and I've tried to keep up with it. But when the Fed Chair and the Treasury Sect. (Bernanke & Paulson, respectively), the leaders of both parties, both Presidential candidates and major players like Warren Buffett all agree that action needs to be taken, and taken now, you have to ask yourself why 228 Representatives voted against it.
Don't know if it would hold up to analysis, but I heard an analyst on TV say that the Representatives who had recently faced a tough election battle or would in the near future voted against the plan. Those whose jobs weren't in any jeapordy voted for it.
So, do we have 228 elected officials who care more about hanging on to their jobs than voting for a plan that, while necessary, generates outrage among average Americans understandably ignorant about macro-economics?
Naw. No politician is that shallow.

Did you know that clean laundry doesn't just appear in your dresser? I'm learning all sorts of things this week!

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