Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm too sexy for my shirt.

They told me I couldn't wear one but I decided otherwise! So today I made this shirt using a transfer that runs through my ink jet printer. The shiny part isn't as visible apart from the camera's flash, and goes away after a washing or two.
I wore it to the gym this afternoon and the results were amazing. I looked so buff, I pumped some serious iron like it was nothing, and two old ladies told me I was the cat's meow...whatever that means. Then I went out to the pool and, even after taking the shirt off, I swam like a fish. (read: under water)

This is very cool!
Color Test

On the way home from the gym/pool I heard the hourly news on NPR, and one of the segments included brief responses from McCain and Obama on the financial crisis that seems to have worsened this week. McCain said he'd tighten accountability standards for the leaders of investment corporations and push for tighter regulation of the financial industry. Obama said the current crisis is evidence that the current govt. has failed to look out for the interests of the people, the working class.
Uhm, last time I checked Obama had the title "Senator" in front of his name. That is, he's been part of the current govt. since 2005, and a member of the majority party in both the House and the Senate since the last election. So isn't it a fair question to ask what he or his party has done to prevent this crisis?
"Hello, Kettle? This is the pot calling."

While we're on the topic of heard-on-NPR, on the way home from a lunch appointment I heard the last part of a discussion of Sarah Palin's suitability for the office of VP, or President should McCain vacate that office. The host had three guests, all of them females, looking at Palin from the perspective of the distaff side. One of the women was a "person of color" (it was radio so I'm not sure what color that was). Toward the end of the discussion she said she couldn't not/would not vote for the McCain/Palin because Palin hasn't shown any inclination to advance the interests of women of color.
I had two thoughts as I heard that. If you've ever been to Alaska you know there's not a lot of ethnic diversity there. Caucasians and Eskimos (Inuits, if you prefer), and that's about it. So the assertion that she's not worked in the interests of minority women seems a little unfair.
Then I thought to myself, is working for minority women what I want the VP (or Pres.) to do? I don't think so. I want the team that occupies the White House to advance the interests of ALL Americans, regardless of their ethnicity, sex, economic status or ability to swim. In fact, I think if they worked to advance the cause of a particular segment of the population they would be violating the trust the rest of the population placed in them.

I got a call today from a landlord for whom I've done some work. Two days ago I did a small job - repaired a leak in the sprinkler system - at one of his rentals. I also looked over the inside of the place so I could give him a rough estimate for painting the entire interior and putting down laminate flooring to replace the badly stained carpet. He asked my opinion on the laminate and I gave it to him. He could recarpet the place two or three times for what it would cost him to have me put down a decent grade laminate, especially if he uses the cheap carpet he says he usually uses.
Just talked myself out of that job.
I also gave him an estimate for painting the interior. Step one: patch the five holes punched in walls, one of them easily 6" x 6". Then prime everything because of the gaudy and strong colors currently on the walls, never mind the stains. Finally one, but probably two coats of paint. That includes the ceiling in the third bedroom which is currently sky blue.
Yep, just talked myself out of that job, too.
He agreed my price was fair, but more than he wants to spend. So he's going to ask her if she has a friend who needs work and will paint it for a few bucks. Odd that he would say that to me, but he's an odd sort of guy.
Where are the lines? When he asks my opinion on the flooring I know that if I tell him the truth he'll hire carpet guys to do the job. And if I price the painting so low that I guarantee he'll hire me I'm working at way below a fair wage. But an inadequate (unfair) wage is still a wage. And there haven't been many of those lately.
This is why I should be a pastor.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you linked the test but didn't admit your score. I finished with a 16. What about you? Also, why didn't the shirt applique show the swimmer with a snorkel? - cyb

Andrea said...

I like the second t-shirt! I think the church "logo" is really pretty and stands out. :)