Friday, September 26, 2008

Too much shiny

This doesn't look photo-shopped to me. But the physics looks impossible. Weird.
If you know some HTML....

I met Josh tonight for dinner at Chick-Fil-A, (he's also baching it for a few days) but not the one close to their place. There's also one out at our end and Josh was already close by.
The guy who took our orders was just plain odd. He'd worked up little ditties that he'd sing as you told him what you wanted. For example, when I said I wanted a Diet Coke he sang their ad song from a few years back, "Just for the taste of it - Diet Coke." Unfortunately, he doesn't have a very good voice, was trying to hard, and the setting is all wrong. Result: real awkwardness for the customer. We both wondered why someone in a position of authority hasn't pulled him aside for a chat about what this guy thinks is clever, but is, instead, counterproductive to their business goals.
On a similar vein, watch this:
Unexpected in the London Airport
These folks, however, are good!

As long as we're on the video theme, this is just fun.
Hydro Train

I normally do an LSD ride of 35-40 miles on Saturday mornings but I think I'm going change my strategy some. The 12-mile ride segment of the triathlon is already well within my limits. I can work on my speed, but I don't need more endurance. However, both my run and swim could use some serious work on both speed and endurance. So instead of using up all my energy on a longer ride - the only segment of the three I typically do on a Saturday - I'm going to cut back to 20 miles or so and add one of the other segments.
This is all of increasing significance as tomorrow dawns, because tomorrow marks T-minus 60 days until the event. Not that I'm focused or anything.

There's this weird thing going on at our house. I put my dirty dishes in the sink just like I always do, but for some reason they're still there hours later. Normally they move to the dishwasher. I can't figure out what's wrong.

Occupation Definitions:
  • Psychologist - someone who watches everyone else when a beautiful girl enters the room.
  • Consultant - someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you what time it is.
  • Actuary - someone who takes a fake bomb on the plane because it reduces the chance there will be another bomb on the plane.
  • Statistician - someone who is good with numbers but lacks the personality to be an accountant.
  • Auditor - someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded.
I got home in time to catch the second half of the debate. Seemed like more heat than light to me.
That's the extent of my profundity for tonight.

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