Tomorrow (10/22) is Shaggy's b'day. He was born in 1968. Thought you'd want to know.
And you don't need to worry about the world ending tomorrow. It's already tomorrow in Australia. Of course, if you live in Australia maybe you should worry.
I was a rebel today. I ignored a "Do Not Follow Trucks" sign in a construction zone and drove right behind this guy's F-150. I didn't let my dinner sit in the microwave for 1 minute after it was done. And I still haven't downloaded the updates that are ready for my computer.
Best Line of the Day goes to Madonna's soon-to-be-ex Guy Ritchie, who said her 3-hour per day exercise routine means that making love to her is "like cuddling with a piece of gristle."
This takes some time - you do the thing in three fairly short stages, but with a suggested 5-minute break in between. But it's from the BBC and interesting. You could do it while you're at work, or listening to your wife.
Face Memory Test
I scored 83% for Recognition and 90% for Temporal Memory. How'd you do?
In the Beyond Weird category, here's a site devoted to encouraging men to wear "man-tyhose." Turns out there are several manufacturers. These guys just want to promote the fashion trend.
Why would I want to add 5 minutes to the time required to take a pee? Hey, at my age I don't always have the 5 minutes to spare!
I dance on the inside. I have a friend whose email signature includes the line, "If you can talk you can sing. If you can sing you can dance." Love the sentiment but I have to take issue with the premise.
Maybe I need to drink Red Stripe. That way, when I listen to Shaggy....
'cause I wish I could dance.
I ran and rode this morning, both at slightly longer distances than the race. But I skipped the gym and pool this afternoon. I decided missing one session of swimming isn't going to ruin me in the 400m swimming segment of the race, and I don't want to be a piece of gristle.
I'm going back tomorrow to install the 200 mirror tiles, this time with mirror mastic. But the two brands I looked at this afternoon both say that "mechanical support" should be used for 30 minutes after application. I can't! Impossible with mirror tiles. So first thing tomorrow morning (5:00 a.m. local, 8:00 a.m. Eastern) I'm calling the customer help line at Liquid Nails. I'm guessing that the small size and weight of a 12" mirror tile obviates the need for mechanical support. If not, I don't have a Plan B.
For those of you thinking, "Why not use an immediate bond adhesive?", I learned that many adhesives not specifically designed for mirrors will "melt" the silvering on the back of the mirror. Not good.
This morning I sent Matt the copy for the four week sermon series our mailing will promote. That turned out to be a tougher task than I expected. Who are we trying to attract? Unbelievers or Christians? The former means a series that is very basic and geared toward the seeker. But we've purposed to be a Bible church, a place where believers grow and mature in the faith. That would suggest a more focused and deeper series than the former. And to do a seeker series only to switch to maturing content immediately after the mailing effort seems like bait and switch.
Does that mean we don't want unbelievers to attend Pathway? NO, NO, NO!! It does NOT!! I have always pastored Bible churches and we have seen many come to faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit is not bound. But the biblical pattern is believers doing the work of evangelism in the world, not unbelievers coming into the church. Read the NT epistles; it's clear that God's design for the local assembly is for growing and maturing converts who then go out and serve as witnesses (a key word in the early chapters of Acts). When inquirers come to church and accept Christ it is the exception that proves the rule. (See 1 Cor. 14:22-25)
So I put together a series that will allow us to do some serious exploration into what the Bible says about basic issues of a Christian world view (I avoided that term) but will, I hope, also pique the interest of the non-churched.
I'm sure glad the Holy Spirit is at work. We need his aid!
That was interesting! I got 100% on recognition, 83% on temporal memory. I wonder if that's tied into the fact that I can remember faces, but I'm awful with names.
It was a very interesting test! I scored 100% on recognition and 91% on temporal.-Shellie
Sue, I got exactly the same scores as you! Weird. I noticed that this test is on a sleep study website. I think the fact that I only got 4 hours of sleep last night makes my scores even more impressive, eh?
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