Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.

Out of Office Reply messages:

"I will be out of the office for two weeks for medical reasons. When I return please refer to me as Kate instead of Jim."

"Sorry I missed you, but I'm at the doctor's having my heart and brain removed so I can join our management team."

"Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system. You are currently in 352 place and can expect a response in approximately 19 weeks."

I'd never heard of magic sand, but it looks simple and like a fun trick.
Magic Sand Directions

The laws of marriage specify that concurrent with the first pitch of the resumed game 5 of the World Series your wife will run the garbage disposal and immediately thereafter all other kitchen appliances that make over 60db of noise. Then she'll come into the living room to ask you what the schedule is for the rest of the Series.

Four weeks from today, but who's counting?

I've been thinking about that "having fun" business from last night's post. So Josh W. and I are going for a motorcycle ride next Tuesday up to Jerome for lunch. That's a tiny town 100 miles north of here and 4,000 higher than we are. It sits on the side of a mountain. Think tight, twisty roads and great joints for lunch.
Think grins behind the shield on my full face helmet.

No, I'm not going to watch the Obama infomercial tonight.
I'm surprised we haven't heard more buzz about the $$$ that these 30 minutes are costing the campaign. Have you heard a figure? And it brings up an issue the Republicans haven't done much with.
Early on during the primaries, when Obama was up against the very deep pockets of the Clinton machine, he said that if he got his party's nomination he would reject private funding and stay within the public campaign funding system with it's strict spending limits. No sooner did he get the nomination than that went out the window for the big bucks of private funding. He could not have purchased tonight's air time without those big bucks. I have no problem with opting out of the public funding system, but to say one thing and then do another, and with no explanation....

Prediction: on Nov. 5th the press will begin a period of self-analysis, asking themselves whether they really did give disproportionate and more favorable coverage to Obama's candidacy. Someone might even do some statistical analysis. They'll conclude there may have been some imbalance (don't expect to hear the word "bias"), and this conclusion along with some modest mea culpas will allow them to move on with cleared consciences.

Daniel 4 repeats the same sentence three times: "The Lord is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to whomever he wills."
Thus, while I take seriously my constitutional right to vote, I rate the election season with all of its noise just slightly more significant than the World Series. God is in control. So I don't understand the end-of-the-world hand wringing of some Christians, and I don't despair for the next four years, no matter what the outcome.
I think I'm most bothered by the polarization of Americans that always seems go go along with the election season. Which is why I'd like to hear a powerfully unifying concession speech from someone next week.

The Rays just lost the World Series.
Now tell me, why would God do that???

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