But for beautiful photography you can't do better than this site. The guy specializes in photos taken from above. Some pretty amazing images here! Snag for desktop images?
We spent a fair amount of time deciding on the URL for Pathway Bible Church. Apparently not everyone is so careful. Consider: (you're on your own for noting their URL)
A business called Pen Island for ordering pens of any type for your business.
Or how about this one, "Who Represents?" for identifying which agent represents a list of celebrities.
It's been years since I trained this hard for anything, but I distinctly remember getting better results then.
I have six weeks to turn myself into a combination of Usain Bolt, Lance Armstrong and Michael Phelps. After that I'm going to save the world's economy.
How would you decide this one? Every summer illegal immigrants crossing the desert into Arizona die from exposure to the heat. I think it's Pinal County that last year budgeted $10,000 to provide water stations for those immigrants. By all evaluations many lives were saved. Now it's time to decide if that line item should be placed in next year's budget. Those in favor argue that it's the humanitarian thing to do and that it also saves the county money; recovering the bodies, locating the families in Mexico (or wherever) and shipping the bodies back costs more. Those opposed argue that it facilitates illegal activity and is contradictory to our efforts to seal the border against terrorists.
Which is the greater good, saving the lives of those engaged in illegal activity or allowing them to die in order to enhance the security of the country?
1 comment:
Government provides water to illegal entrants; sterile syringes to drug addicts; financed abortions to those who don’t want a baby; weight rooms and television to convicted felons in jail, and bails out the financial industry but lets the execs keep their jobs, salaries and benefits – yeah, do whatever we can to make sure people can avoid the consequences of their actions. It’s the American way!
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