Friday, November 14, 2008

If things get any worse I'll have to ask you to stop helping me.


When you're training you are supposed to listen to your body. Mine told me to take the day off. I tried ignoring it; I took it out on a run. But three blocks down the street it let me know it was not going to cooperate. I did a pretty rigorous workout yesterday and I think that, and the acid reflux that goes along with this parathyroid issue, caused today's crash.
If one day off tanks my triathlon, so be it, but I think a day off may have been the wisest training option today. Tomorrow I'm going to do a long bike ride in the morning. I haven't done one of my LSD rides in a couple of months and I miss them.

Again, from the mailbag:
Scott and Sue came through for me. It's spelled denouement (day-noo-MAW) and it refers to the part of the story that comes after the climax, when details of the plot are wound up and any remaining details resolved.
Now, use it in sentence.

You'll need a browser with multiple tabs for this. First open:
Lili Marlene - Lyrics
Now listen to the song sung by Marlene Dietrich here:
Lili Marlene
while you follow the lyrics.

The video on YouTube is just a series of stills of Marlene during WWII. The power is in the lyrics, written during WWI.
A book has just been written about this song, which became a favorite of both German and Allied troops during WWII. Fascinating story you can read a little about here.
I heard an interview with the book's authors on NPR yesterday and they played some of the 100+ recordings of the song made by everyone from June Carter to Carly Simon. I immediately recognized the song. I was telling Pam the story at dinner tonight and hummed the tune. She immediately knew it, too. But we don't know why it's familiar to both of us. She thinks maybe from watching Hogan's Heroes.
Do you recognize the tune? If so, from where?

Chrysler wants bailout money from the government to save their sinking ship. Things there are so bad they're laying off thousands of workers. Today we learned that Chrysler will also be paying out $30 million in retention bonuses to keep 50 top execs.
A company spokesperson explains that the bonus plan was put into effect back in 2007, when they couldn't foresee what the future would bring.
Imagine that; a U.S. automaker not able to foresee market directions.

I may be returning to the Laker fold. They are more like the old Lakers this season, playing as a team and whoopin' on everybody. Hints of Showtime.

I've been thinking today about presuppositional apologetics. I know, not the sort of thing one's mind normally wanders to, but my syanpses have always been suspect.
The key to understanding presuppositional apologetics is the word presupposition. Any defense of the Christian faith necessarily starts out with certain assumptions, presuppositions. Primary among these is that the Bible is God's Word, his inerrant revelation. We don't, can't argue for the inspiration of Scripture; we assume, presuppose it to be inspired.
There's a whole complex line of reasoning for why presuppositional apologetics is the only valid and workable system. If you want to delve into it (and get yourself a good headache) read the books on the subject by Cornelius Van Til from Calvin Seminary.
The reason I was thinking about it today is because it's one more illustration of how very central Scripture is to the Christian faith. Without the Bible, or more accurately, without the conviction that the Bible is God's inspired and inerrant Word, Christianity falls flat, doesn't work. It's there that we read God is, that he loves us, that sin is the problem and Christ is the answer.
And that is why we started Pathway Bible Church.
The centrality of Scripture to the Christian faith.


Anonymous said...

After Craig's near fatal disaster with the snorkel in the twenty-second lap, winning the gold metal was only a denouement.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Didn't mean to be anonymous. That was me. Do I win a prize?
