We've had our carb dinner together at the Kinney's - thanks guys! It was very good! Back at home, I've just about finished off the chocolate cake. The bike is in the van and the rest of my stuff laid out and ready to go. I've probably forgotten something, but so long as I remember it by 4:30 tomorrow morning when I leave the house it should be fine.
The plan is to be at the race site by 5:00 to get a good spot in the transition zone and then either crash in the van or go across the street to Steve & Michelle's until closer to race time - 7:45.
Things are not looking so good for the actual race. The field is now up to 750. And today's occasional rain showers is going to give way to serious thunderstorms through the night and tomorrow morning. In the words of the weather guy on TV, "You ain't seen nothing yet."
The run portion of the event goes along a dirt path alongside the canal. A friend of one of our Pathway group who is also doing the event scouted the route earlier today and said that the dirt path is a muddy mess. The transition area is the Y's parking lot, and it has large areas of standing water.
The good news is that with 750 entrants I might be able to walk across their backs in the pool.
After the race we're all going over to Josh & Aubri's for a Thanksgiving Day brunch. Pam has to work from 1:00 to 7:00 tomorrow, so she'll leave after brunch. I haven't figured out what my plan is. It may depend on my ability to move.
We're having our Thanksgiving dinner Friday evening here at our house. Ham, turkey, and all the fixin's.
At his third press conference in as many days President Elect Obama addressed the economic crisis and assured Americans that "help is on the way."
That struck me as a fairly bold thing to say given what it suggests about the current administration and congress. $700 billion isn't chump change.
And it also made me wonder if he plans to ride to his inauguration on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
I've noticed a significant drop in the amount of spam I've received over the last few weeks. But at the same time, I'm getting a lot of messages in my inbox from myself. I don't remember sending myself those messages. I don't have any of those products...or problems for that matter. And if I did, why would I send myself an email about it? I could just call myself on my cell phone.
Three football games on tomorrow, and they put the Cards/Eagles game on the NFL channel.
It's early, but if I don't get to bed soon there won't be any point.
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