Is it still considered typing if I do it on a laptop instead of a typewriter? Probably. Because if you call what is done on a typewriter typing, what you do on a laptop would be called lapping, and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work so well.
I had a dinner appointment across town and took the motorcycle. Saves gas and is a lot more stimulating than driving Stealth Reliabity. It was 71 degrees when I left, but coming home was cold! We're in that stretch of the year when there can easily be 30-35 degrees between daytime highs and nighttime lows. And once the sun goes down the temperature drops quickly. Life in the desert.
I rode past a church named "Apollo Baptist Church." Odd name for a church, don't you think? Apollo was one of the primary gods in the Greek and Roman pantheons. I looked at their web site to see if I had misread the sign. Nope. Apollo Baptist Church.
Danica Patrick, the woman who races in the Indy Series, got a speeding ticket here yesterday for driving 54 mph in a 35 mph zone. Props to the cop who sees it's her and still signs her up for the program.
According to AZ law she can go to traffic school and they'll expunge the ticket from her record. Nobody is going to believe the schmuck who comes home at the end of the day and tells his buddies that Danica Patrick was in the class with him.
The current economic downturn killed the retail sector during what was supposed to be the strongest six weeks of their year. Word is that the post-Christmas stretch is going to disappoint as well. Retailers tried every trick in the book - staying open 24 hours a day, crazy sales, gifts for the gift purchasers - whatever they could think of to lure more shoppers into the stores.
Malls had everything at stake. If their anchor stores go under the whole operation folds. The consequences are immense. So the Mall of America, the biggest of the big, came up with some unique methods to draw in shoppers. They created a special parking area for women shoppers, separated from the rest and staffed with special security guards . They figured women would feel safer going to and from their cars if they didn't feel any fear of attack. It apparently worked, because women took full advantage of the opportunity.
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