Thursday, December 4, 2008

Laziness is just the wisdom of resting before you get tired.

High speed photography yields some pretty amazing images.

'Tis the season for bringing joy into the lives of others. But if you're feeling a little evil (Santa's list is already printed out so you don't need to worry about that) here's a gift idea guaranteed to bring mental illness to that special someone in the cubicle near you - like the person who has been playing Christmas music since Halloween. Enjoy!
The Annoy-a-Tron

While I was creating this week's bulletin I watched the Washington hearings with the eads of the hDetroit Three, a union pres. and the co-founder of Moody's Economy, Dr. Mark Zandi. He's impressive! Spoke in real English, cut to the chase, and seemed truly objective, pointing out the benefits and pitfalls of the aid program. The Senators sure seemed to put credence in his analysis.
The auto execs were there two weeks ago asking for for $25 billion. Today their figure was $34 billion. Dr. Zandi said that $34b will see them through the next few months but they'll be back, and before everything is said and done, the total will run from $75b to $125b.
Until listening to this morning's hearings it hadn't dawned on me that Ford and GM are publically held companies; stock holders "own" them. But Chrysler is owned by a private equity firm which purchased it from Daimler-Benz recently. That makes a difference, especially when that equity group has indicated it plans to sell the company and turn a profit. Should taxpayers lend them money so they can turn a profit?

Pam has been sick for the last five days, home from work and feeling totally wiped out. I started feeling the same yesterday and worse today. This could be a problem with the surgery scheduled for next Tuesday. For now it means an especially brief blog post. But before signing off I need to include one of the several responses I've received on the topic of the proper way to fold a bath towel. Some responses can be read on the "comments" pages from the last two nights, but others have come to me as emails, as did this one. The author, a noted expert on the subject, properly points out important omissions in last night's post. It seemed best to use his words to clear up any confusion and give essential information.

"... you may be leading people astray by not disclosing full information.

"For example, if one folds the towel lengthwise into "thirds" carelessly, trouble can occur when hanging the towel over the rod. If the folded towel is the same width at the top and bottom after folding, or (worse) if the top is even slightly wider than the bottom, then the front face (the "dress" side) of the towel will not be wide enough to completely cover the back side. This makes for an unsightly bathroom. A key to preventing this is to ensure that the top of the folded towel (the part which will go down behind the towel rod) is slightly narrower than the bottom, ensuring that, once the towel is hung, the dress side is wide enough to cover the back side.

"In addition, one should ensure that the dress side is hung low enough to completely cover the tail of the back side.

"If you don't pass on complete information, won't some people try the 1/3 fold and end up in sin by not doing it correctly?"

Older brothers are noted for their wisdom!

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