I did that demolition this morning. You never know what your going to find when ripping apart walls.
Note to homeowners: sometimes more caulk is not the solution.
I discovered that behind the side wall of the tub enclosure is the exterior wall of the building - a cement block wall. I've never seen the drywall substitute that was between the block and the tile, but it had been wet repeatedly. Where did the water come from?? No matter, really, since I'll be using construction adhesive to put cement board up and it isn't affected by moisture.
Now I'm waiting to hear when the water is shut off.
I told Pam the story of the Connecticut man who bought a lottery ticket and died later that same day. His widow is now the winner of $10 million.
Pam's response?
I'm now sleeping with one eye open.
If you've been reading this for a few months you may remember the big flooring job I did for the elderly lady who used to live next door but moved into a double-wide in a park a few miles from here. I put vinyl down throughout the mobile home because she was concerned about tripping on the carpet. Game left leg.
She died on December 23rd. She had lymphoma but didn't tell anyone, including her children. They didn't find out until hospice got involved, five days before she died. Her two daughters and son are now going through both places - the mobile home and the house next door - sorting through her things, trying to make sense of her creative financial records. Seems the ashtray in her Buick (of course) functioned as a file folder.
If you died tonight could your survivors find what they needed and reconstruct your financial situation?
I just realized we've got a death theme going tonight. Sorry.
Whaddaya think?
'67 Beetle in Mesa
Clever Ad
One Lucky Penguin!
Short post tonight, but I've got some work to do before bedtime.
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