Thursday, January 8, 2009

A good scapegoat is nearly as welcome as a solution to the problem.

I'm wathcing the BCS championship game as I thype this, so plese excuse any errrors.

I know what you'll be thinking as you read this news story, but keep going.
Little Miracle, Big Surprise
Did you know that could happen?? I sure didn't.

Tebow is impressive! And how do you not pull for that guy, knowing his back story?

Why is it that some drivers can't afford the 10 seconds it will take to slow down a few mph until they have an opening to slide left and leave a bicyclist a little room? Instead, they pull up right behind him and blast their horn as though he had no business being there.
Just in case anyone out there doesn't realize it, almost all states have the same laws re. bicycle riders. They are required to ride as far to the right of the traffic lane as is reasonable and safe, move in the same direction as traffic and obey all traffic laws affecting vehicles. Vehicles are required to give them a minimum of 3' of clearance. Riding on the sidewalk is specifically prohibited. (So is driving on the sidewalk.)

Is it just me, or do others have an instinctively negative reaction to Ron Gettlefinger, head of the UAW?
Remember when "banker" was a title that generated respect?
Why does that guy with the black beard and mustache who does the "Wait, there's more" commercials have to yell at us?
And his alter-ego, the Sham-O guy - who thought it was a good idea for him to wear a Garth Brooks microphone?

Never mind how it initially got there, my brain spent some time today thinking about how myopic humans are.
The guy on the news said that something about this current recession - I don't remember what the specific was - is the worst it's been in 25 years. Economies are cyclical, and 25 years doesn't seem like that big a deal. A 50-year low, a 75-year low would be significant, but I've got shoes that are close to 25 years old.

Then a lady in an SUV blasts her horn at me for the loss of a few seconds.

In Foundations last week our lesson included a look at the Greek and Roman Empires. The Greeks (circa 330 B.C. to 146 B.C.) enforced a policy of Hellenization that included requiring people throughout the empire to speak Greek as their lingua franca. The Romans (circa 146 B.C. to circa A.D. 400) are remembered for Pax Romana, the Peace of Rome, which achieved a lasting peace across the entire empire by brute force.
We noted how significant this was for the spread of the gospel in the first century A.D. The Apostle Paul could travel from Jerusalem to Rome and beyond safely because of Pax Romana. He could preach the gospel to everyone along the way because of the lasting effects of Hellenization. "God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to whomsoever he wills" (Dan. 4). He layed the groundwork for the gospel's spread over the 350 years prior to its proclamation, but that can only be seen from the distance of time. Myopia misses it.

We're getting lots of hand wringing and doomsday talk over the state of the economy, the effects of the Obama presidency, global warming and more. I wonder if a lot of this won't look a little silly a decade from now. The speed at which our culture moves encourages a myopic perspective that thinks the now is all important. I'm betting God is looking down chuckling at this latest form of self-obsession, pride.

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