Friday, June 25, 2010

AAAA - Anti-Acronymn Association of America

I bought a hat yesterday. I've never owned a hat before. I've had caps, but I only started wearing them a few years ago. So buying a real hat, with a brim all the way around, was a big deal.

My head is too big for my body. I have a size Skinny body and a size XL head, so putting something up there that makes it look even bigger is like balancing a basketball on top of a six foot piece of galvanized pipe and then putting a box on top of that.
So why a hat with a brim?
It's getting legitimately hot here. We've already had a day where the first and second numbers of the temp. were a 1, and more are on the way. I'm committed to improving my golf game and that requires time on the driving range and on the course. I try to play one round a week (although that didn't happen this week). A ball cap doesn't provide enough protection from the sun for my ears and the back of my neck.
Come to think of it, turn my driver upside down and, from a distance, we bear a real resemblance.

I worked at the clinic today. They're moving to a bigger space and my job was to hang the brackets for the swings up in the ceiling joists. I think I made 200 trips up and down a ladder - 10' up, 10' down. Tomorrow's distance ride is gonna hurt.

Isn't it great to have another round of wall-to-wall Michael Jackson coverage? Both Dateline and 20/20 tonight! Gee, I wish I had TiVo!

I think this is a cool video. Musical fountain in Dubai, and in Dubai they do everything big.
Time to Say Goodbye

There's more, but I have work to get done.
And a surprise for tomorrow night's post.
(you're going crazy now, aren't you?!)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Some guys in my high school had a band called DSFA--doesn't stand for anything.