Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why can't hedgehogs just share the hedge?

While at the driving range this morning I watched five coyotes cross in front of me, about 100 yards out. Two were pups that stopped every 10 yards or so to tussle with each other. Fun.

We knew it was coming. The Federal Govt. is suing the state of AZ to prevent SB 1070 from taking effect as scheduled on the 29th of this month. The case was filed in U.S. District Court here in Phoenix, but expect this to end up with the Supreme Court in D.C.
Very unusual for the federal govt. to sue a state.
It's hard not to think this suit is as much a political move as a legal one. Hispanics are the fastest growing voting block in the country, and although heretofore they don't seem to vote at the same rate as other ethnic groups, both parties would love to be their party of first choice. Polls show Hispanics are overwhelmingly opposed to this law, at the same time Whites support it at a rate of nearly 2 to 1. So it seems the administration is taking a calculated risk - that the gains this will get them with Hispanics will outweigh the costs among Whites.
Of course, the administration could have filed this suit purely on principle. But that seems very unlikely, because politicians are involved. The words principle and politician both start with "p" but that's about the only thing they have in common.

Am I the only one getting very tired of the LeBron James coverage?

I've also noticed that the news coverage of the spill in the Gulf has shifted from the leak itself and almost exclusively to its effects. That's OK; I'm assuming there isn't anything to report on the leak as they do the ongoing work of drilling the relief wells. But what I'm tired of is the nightly interviews with Gulf residents affected by the spill who gets emotional, and on cue for the cameras. And why do I care what some 12-year old boy thinks about this? He's 12 for Pete's sake.

One of the things I really enjoy is running into someone from Pathway during the week. This afternoon I saw Nichole and the kids at the clinic. Evan looked up at me and said, in a voice full of suspicion, "What are you doing here?" Nichole and I talked for a bit, Evan announced he had "to go poo," and then I went out to their car and talked with Aaron and the twins.

I wish you could meet the McCures. They're terrific. But so is everybody at Pathway. Last Sunday we got to know Mike & Mickey better. That was a blessing.

The people are the BEST part. I want Pathway to grow because I believe strongly in what we're doing, and the desperate need for it in the West Valley. But I don't want Pathway to get so big that the pastor doesn't get a chance for meaningful relationships with those who call it their church home. What fun would that be?

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Evan makes me smile.