Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Never try to tell everything you know. It may take too short a time." - Norman Ford

Thank you, vetrans.

John Daly, the troubled PGA pro, was ticked that he was assessed a 2-stroke penalty on the 10th hole of the Australian Open. So when he got to the 11th hole he intentionally hit seven balls into the water hazard, exhausting his supply. Then he walked off the course.
I would never think of doing that. I always carry at least 10 balls with me to cover what I hit into the water unintentionally.

Poor Jack. I gave him a bath this afternoon. I do that on the patio where the temp today was only about 72 degrees. When we came back inside he couldn't stop shaking. So I had him lay down on his bed and covered him with an extra heavy bath towel. Later in the afternoon I went to the gym for an hour and when I got back he still hadn't moved an inch. I think he's decided this qualifies as spa treatment.

Poor Rick Perry. Watching the clip of his debate debacle from last night reminds me of the beauty pageant contestant from about a year ago who stumbled and fumbled with her answer to a question. Agonizing to watch, worse to live.
I think we want a President who's a little better at extemporaneous public speaking. That's not too much to ask, is it?

I participated in a discussion on Facebook about the use of the Oxford comma. I'd never encountered that designation for the use of a comma after the penultimate item in a list. In English that means some prefer "cars, trains, planes, and motorcycles." The comma before "and" in that sentence is called the Oxford, or serial comma. Some people think it should always be there while others argue it should be omitted. "cars, trains, planes and motorcycles." I was taught the latter. Turns out there's a Wikipedia article all about the serial, or Oxford comma. After reading it I've decided to do whatever I think works best for the particular context and tell anyone bothered by it to get a life.

Pam won a $5 Starbucks gift card in a drawing at the hospital. Because she doesn't drink coffee I took it and my books up the road to do some studying. I don't speak Starbuckese. People rattle off their orders using terms that baffle me, and I wonder how they learned to do that. Is there a class somewhere they take?
So I ordered the one thing I know, a carmel latte. It has carmel something in it. I don't know what the latte part means but it tastes good. I think it also has about a thousand and fifty six calories because I felt fat after drinking it. I thought about ordering it with skim milk next time but I'm not even sure it's made with milk. And if not, wouldn't I look stupid!

Do newcomers to the church scene feel the same way when they go to a worship service for the first time? "Everybody else in here knows what's going on and I'm clueless."

1 comment:

Jen said...

I *have* a life, thank-you-very-much. I also happen to have enough time to bother others about proper comma usage. So there.