Friday, December 9, 2011

All I want for Christmas is a box of Smurfs and a mallet.

Alec Baldwin is not married. Can't be. Not because he did something stupid; that's normal for husbands. But because once he realized he'd stepped in it he didn't SHUT UP. He tweeted about power-hungry flight attendants, and now their union wants him put on a no-fly list, barred from every plane in the universe.
But wait! There's more!
He went on to say modern flight attendants are like Jr. Hi. gym teachers walking around with a whistle and a clip board looking for people they can punish. "They've turned flying into a Greyhound Bus experience." So now Greyhound is all over him.
I hope he likes walking.

TIME Magazine had an article on Mitt Romney that used a graph with separate lines to track his changing positions on issues like abortion, the 2nd amendment, and global warming. The only straight line on the graph was the one tracking his hair.

One side of our electric blanket doesn't work so this morning I set about to identify the problem. It's one of the controls. My guess was just a bad on/off switch so I took it to the garage and opened it up. Wow! The inside of a computer has nothing on the guts of a blanket control. There's a circuit board in there! And the only way to get to the on/off switch was to remove (break) it.
The working control is now on Pam's side of the bed and the bad one still sits on my workbench - just because I can't bring myself to pitch it. Yet.
Yes, I already looked for replacements online and they aren't there.

Did you hear about the elderly couple here that got lost? They were driving from Arizona back to their home in New Mexico and made a wrong turn. They tried to take a shortcut back to the highway but it turned out to be a dirt access road so rough that one bump broke the transmission on their car. They sat in the car for four days, running it occasionally to stay warm, before deciding to walk out. She only got a short distance before dying of a heart attack. He stayed by her body for several hours and then began walking, and was eventually found by a wildlife officer. He's hospitalized but will be OK.

He was interviewed by the press and said before they left the car she commented they'd talked more in that four days than they had in 60 years of marriage.
That's sad.

I'm feeling better about the sermon but still want to spend significant time with it between now and Sunday morning.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Actually, he said "Catholic school gym teacher," so it's probably only a matter of time before the nuns are after him, too.