Sunday, January 8, 2012

I asked Mom if I was a gifted child... she said they certainly wouldn't have paid for me.

It's Sunday night and I have no business writing a blog post. The chances of writing something stupid or worse that, thanks to the magic of the internet, will haunt me into eternity are very, very good. But Pam's not home to urge discretion and by the time she gets here it will be too late.

I'm usually an "active" communicator; couldn't stand behind a pulpit if I had a gun pointed at my head. But I was particular animated this morning, for both hours. Hence tonight's stupor.
But the sermon was one of those that required making a theologically laden passage (Rom. 5:12-21) understandable and relevant. Second hour... just a TON of content to keep us on pace with our OT Intro course.

Interestingly, we had more visitors this morning than we've had in the last six months. I hope they didn't leave thinking, "That guy is crazy!"

For the four-plus years she's worked at the hospital Pam's had a partner who was willing to work every Sunday so Pam could be at church. Because that gal has had a major change in her living situation Pam needs to take her normal turn working every other Sunday. Can't complain, though. I'm thankful for all the Sundays she could be there.

I'm some combination of frustrated, irritated, angry and disappointed with the endless delays in getting the car's body back. Which is why I keep looking at this:
'62 Pontiac Tempest
On that dealer's site it's listed for $7,900 but the eBay listing doesn't say anything about a reserve.
Or this:
'62 Ford Falcon
It doesn't look like there's any reserve here, either.
Both are ideal combinations with a throw-back woodie teardrop trailer.

I watched some of last night's debate. Didn't record this morning's but I've read a lot about it.
I'm not happy about it but it certainly looks like Romney will be the nominee. The more I see him the more I get the impression he's just too slick, almost smug. Maybe it's just confidence. He's got tons of money, a developed organization, and the savvy that comes from a lot of experience at this. He probably figures only Mitt can beat Mitt at this point so the safe play is the smart play.

OK, I'm going to heat up some coffee and down a cup or two so I can stay awake until Pam gets home in an hour. Maybe I'll manage to make it to 8:00 before I head for bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Tempest is now sold for a little under $5,000 and the Falcon doesn't seem right even tho the current bid is really low. Be patient on Ilsa. Working on the trailer s/b a great distraction and I'm betting when it is completed, Ilsa will be painted and ready for you.