Thursday, January 26, 2012

I guess surrealism's not your cup of tuna.

Staying with a theme, THIS video reminds me what we left behind for today's 74 degree temps.

My brain is sweating. I have too many mental irons in the fire and my neurons are overloaded.
I normally wake up at Oh-Dark-Stupid and often have trouble getting back to sleep. It's just not usually at 12:30 a.m., but that's what happened this morning. Most nights my eyes come open, my brain begins to whirl and staying in bed is pointless. I come out to my chair, read the news and sports on the internet and typically doze off. This morning I tried but couldn't shut off the mental motor so I got out my books and worked on Sunday's stuff. A couple hours later I watched a men's semifinal tennis match from the Australian Open live, a match that ended shortly after Pam got up.

When I taught homiletics we'd talk about the different types of sermons - hortatory, didactic, life situation... Sunday's is E - All of the Above. Challenging text both critically and homiletically.

I'm at the cabinet building stage of the camper project and because of its unique shape I have lots of odd angles to cut and a precise order for the steps. So I also spent time studying the construction instructions.

My wife is a saint who has spent the last 40+ years hanging on to the back of the tiger. I remember when I took her over to look at our first (!) 100-year old house that was, to put it mildly, in considerable disrepair. Her reaction? "This house feels like a home."
Five years later, just after finishing a total rehab, I took her to look at another one, three times the size and perhaps in even worse shape.
"What a great house!"
I have a bee in my bonnet. I'm trying to do my due diligence, with all kinds of research and talking to people all over the country, but true to form Pam is game for whatever I decide.
I married up.
And I probably won't pull the trigger. Push comes to shove I'm naturally disinclined to spend money in any amount.
Note my last name.

J.C. Penny has a new CEO, Ron Johnson who headed up Apple's marketing department. They're rolling out a new marketing strategy that will take effect Feb. 1. It eliminates weekly sales and restructures stores into a series of mini-shops. Should be interesting to see if it gets them back into the top tier of retailers.
Look for a big ad buy as the make the shift.

I'm dozing off. I'll heat up a cup of coffee and do my best to stay awake until Pam gets home. Won't last much longer than that.

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