Monday, January 2, 2012

It's amazing what you can get done when your wife puts your mind to it.

Things I"ve learned in the last 48 hours:

  • If you have a blog on, as I obviously do, you also have a Picasa account. That's Google's cloud storage system for images, the equivalent of Flikr. 
  • If you delete images from Picasa they also disappear from any blog post in which they appear, getting replaced by a giant exclamation point. Unless you saved them on your hard drive (which I didn't) they are gone forever. 
I didn't post last night due to the standard Sunday evening mental and physical fatigue. But yesterday morning's special children's service went as well as I'd hoped. The kids were great! I was prepared for at least one kid to go off the reservation and require intervention. I even had three adults sitting with them to provide that assistance when it became necessary... which it never did. Evan got a little upset at one point but it wasn't enough to disrupt things at all. I had fun and I think they did too. Mostly, I hope they left that service feeling important to Pathway. 'cause they are.

Look up "mad skills" and this video will appear.

I cut and sanded all the trim for the trailer sides today, a long and tedious process. The number and size of the voids surprised me. When I pay $50 for a sheet of plywood I don't expect to have voids that require me to put pieces of wood in them before I can fill with putty. 
I stained the two horizontal pieces and do not like the way they look at all. I chose the wrong stain. But because these pieces are straight, 8' long, and 2" x 3/4" I can cut replacements out of clear pine boards I'll get tomorrow and use a more appropriate stain. It's the curved pieces that would be a problem, and I stopped before I got that far. 

Can we please do the caucus bit in Iowa and move on?
We have another eleven months of this. 

Talking on a cell phone while driving is inherently more risky than not doing so. A significant number of drivers in Sun City shouldn't be driving at all. Put great grandma behind the wheel of her Buick and then put a cell phone in her hands and the prospects are frightening. 
And why do people hold a cell phone in their left hand against their right ear...while driving? Can't they figure out it would be a whole lot easier to hold it against their left ear? 

I tried to make up for a week of overindulgence in one session at the gym this afternoon. Maybe not such a good idea. 

Am I the only one who gets text messages from someone who doesn't identify themselves and isn't in my phone's directory? All I see is their phone number, sometimes from an area code I don't recognize. Seems rude to respond, "Who is this?" but I don't know how else to figure it out. 

1 comment:

Sue said...

Yeah, I just learned about Picasa a week or so ago, too. Suddenly I couldn't post pictures anymore, because I'd reached my limit. I had no idea there was a limit. I had to go to Picasa and buy more...something or other...for about $5.