Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Football is a mistake. It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings." - George F. Will

"Not now, the game is on."

No post last night because it was our monthly elder meeting and I didn't get home until 9:30, well past my bedtime. Should have been plenty tired, but alas, it's been a really long day, which is what happens when you're wide awake at 2:30 and can't get back to sleep. The problem is that for the entire day I'm so tired I can't get much done. No energy or focus. Drat!
Note: Diet Coke helps some. 

Gary Carter died. I'm not a baseball fan but even I know he was one of the good guys, on and off the field. Only 57 years old, he had a malignant brain tumors. 

My younger brother sent me this video.
The guy with the frisbee is taking stupid risks. What's he thinking??

I installed the six cabinet doors today. Decided to go with chrome hinges and knobs since this whole thing is a throw back to the 50's and 60's. I've got a couple of trim pieces to put up but otherwise the cabin interior and galley are now FINISHED. The next step is to install the cabin doors, then build the galley hatch, and then install both that hatch and the aluminum skin that covers the whole thing. That last part is the trickiest of the whole operation because it involves metal, and because getting it on properly is key to having a dry, rot-free woody camper. But the end is in sight, and... no more varnishing! Oh yeah, except for the hatch frame. 

I knew Mitt Romney's father George was governor of Michigan because when we lived there the press would sometimes make mention of it. I knew from Mitt's stump speeches that George had something to do with the auto industry. What I learned yesterday is that he was the head of Rambler, which during the late 50's and early 60's was known as AMC (American Motors Corporation). By all accounts he was a very effective leader of that company and they held a significant share of the auto market. In the early 60's George Romney decided the company would make, alongside the rest of their lineup, smaller luxury cars patterned after the Mercedes and BMW's coming out of Europe. The top-end AMC cars had a much smaller wheelbase than the big three's behemoths (consider the size of an early-60's Lincoln or Caddy) but all the same amenities. And smaller cars meant a smaller engine would provide equal or better power plus improved gas mileage. Success!
George Romney left the company in 1962 to become Michigan's governor and the helm was turned over to the company's head of sales, who quickly ran it into the ground by abandoning Romney's philosophy and moving to larger cars like the big three were turning out. Then there was his signature car... the Marlin. Yeah, that was brilliant. 
The entire AMC lineup won Motor Trend's "Car of the Year" award in 1963, the last year of the "Romney cars."

What would prevent a similar disaster in any U.S. prison? They certainly don't have fire sprinklers in each cell. 

I worked on my sermon this afternoon and once again was struck by the power of the Greek language compared to English. I repeated to my homiletics students the old adage, "Give them the meal, not the recipe." That is, the congregation should be told the import of the text, not the exegetical details lying behind that meaning. But sometimes those Greek words are so vivid and precise...

Pam's working and won't be home until almost 8 p.m. 
I'm going to heat up my dinner and then start drinking coffee so I can be awake when she gets here.


Anonymous said...

The dude jumping over the car in the video needs to be removed from the gene pool.

John in Shoreline

MacDaddy said...

Don't worry John, with choices like that natural selection will inevitably remove him soon enough

Anonymous said...

Since you are usually up early and often too tired at night, maybe you should start writing your blog in the morning hours. Just an idea.....

Jim said...

I envy your knowledge of Latin & Greek. What a gift.