Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So far this is the oldest I've ever been.

Oh yeah.

The people are the best part, but getting paid to study the Bible is pretty cool, too.
There's always more to see. This morning it was Paul's shifting use of sarx and pneuma in Romans 7-8.
What did they do before 4-color pens?

Anyone who makes their living in large part by public speaking will, sooner or later, step in it. Romney did today with his statement about poor people (accurate but clumsy) and Gingrich jumped all over the faux pax.
"Hello pot, this is kettle."

I haven't worn a watch for several years, relying on my cell phone for the time of day. But Jim sent me this video of a watch he's going to get and I don't think I've ever seen a more enticing timepiece. Very cool!
Parnis Mechanical Watch
I think the video is great, too.

Last night we watched a replay of an older (British) Top Gear episode in which Jeremy Clarkson reviewed the Chrysler Crossfire. He didn't like it. He said he struggled to come up with just what it was the sloping rear end of the car brought to mind, and then it struck him.
The way a dog rounds his rear end when taking a poop.
Saw a Crossfire in the Office Depot parking lot this afternoon and all I could think of...
Then I came home and took Jack for his late afternoon walk.
He's right.

We're now half way through the week and Pat hasn't called about painting the car. It's not going to happen, is it.

My older brother (who turns even older this Friday) sent me
this video
to use some night when I didn't have much to post.
I have stuff in my head but for no particular reason I am extremely sleepy tonight. If I try to write anything more than this I'm likely to say something about poor people or establishing colonies on the moon.

1 comment:

Jim said...

That owl is flat amazing. One of the most impressive pieces of video work I've ever seen.