Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thesaurus - the book that's also a dinosaur.

Lots of stuff today, outside and inside my head, which just may explode.

Sunday night I wrote here about the Obama admin. decision re. mandating birth control in health insurance plans, including those offered by employers associated with a church but whose primary function is not religious. That topic has hit the national media big time just in the last 24 hours. The Today Show did a segment on it this morning that included tape of a liberal columnist (recognized him but can't remember his name) saying he thought Obama had made a very large mistake and that his party was not giving him the cover he needs. He's convinced the courts will overturn this decision. Rachel Maddow was then interviewed by Matt Lauer, and in her opinion the decision works in favor of the President and to his Republican critics' detriment. Her reasoning: the huge majority of Americans use birth control, including most Roman Catholics. Therefore, they favor the President's decision.

She doesn't get it. This is not about birth control. It's about the First Amendment and the govt.'s crossing that line of separation we hear so much about. People who use, or have used birth control have heretofore done so without any government mandate that our employer provide it, and with no deductible. That includes employees of the R.C. Church.

Regular readers here know that I have a dim view of the Tea Party movement and its simplistic answers to complex issues. But if there's a motivating factor that led to their emergence and powerful influence in the fly-over states it's the overreaching of the government in local and personal matters. It strikes a great many Americans as arrogantly intrusive. And when that intrusion involves the First (or Second) Amendment you can - and should - expect a strong visceral reaction.

This just in: the President's press sect. says Pres. Obama plans to address the new policy and "reach out" to those concerned about its implementation.
In other words, damage control.

The Queen has ruled for 60 years. I think "Fat Bottom Girls" is my favorite but I'm also partial to "Bicycle Race."

Today I Learned:
Don't sniff when you have shaving creme on your upper lip.
(yeah, you'd think I'd have figured that out before now.)

Today I Didn't Learn:
How to stay on task. I hate it when I can't keep my focus for... So how many hp does a 170 ci slant 6 put out?

Just for fun, from my younger brother...

Re. the CA. Appeals Court's decision about the constitutionality of Prop 8, well, we're just going to have to wait on that one. I have to head into town for a meeting that will get me home late. I understand that you've come here specifically for my invaluable and penetrating thoughts on that matter but I'm pretty sure the sky won't fall if it gets put on hold for 24.

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