Sunday, February 19, 2012

"The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'." - Larry Hardiman

This morning was weird!
I normally leave the house about 7:20 to be at the school where we meet a little before 8:00, stopping along the way to set out our signs. Then, with help from a couple of faithful guys, we unload everything out of our SUV, get it set up and do a quick run-through of the music in time for the beginning of the worship service at 9:00. Second hour goes from about 10:20 to 11:05, we quickly and efficiently tear everything down & load it up, and have the building vacated by our "out time" of 11:15.

Because this was pulpit swap morning I adjusted my schedule accordingly. Grace Bible Church starts with their classes at 9:30, so I sat at home by myself (Pam had to work today) until 9:00. Didn't hardly know what to do with myself. And instead of being done at 11:15 it was a few minutes after noon. I was starving.

Now, Sunday evening and my cold has settled in. I have no voice, my throat feels like sandpaper and I didn't even see the truck that ran me over. But it's all OK. I got through the morning's responsibilities without serious hinderance and don't have anything I must get done this evening save eat supper.
Tomorrow I'll be 100%.

We got our property tax notification yesterday and I don't know whether to be pleased or bothered. The county says the value of our house dropped by 10%.
The bad news: the notion of our house being an appreciating asset that will pay us back while we pay the bank is gone, probably for our lifetime. Realistically, we'll never see the value return to what we paid for it five years ago. The good news: we didn't buy it as an investment, but to live in, and our total PITI payment is less than we'd pay to rent. So I choose to see the silver lining: our property tax bill will go down and our monthly escrow payment with it. Maybe the price of a cup of coffee.

Which is what I'm going to get now. I have half a pot left over from this morning and my throat thinks a hot cup of java would feel pretty good right now and might even give me sufficient energy to reheat some pizza from last night. That'll about wrap up this day!


Anonymous said...

In Seattle, it's FAR less expensive to rent a house than to purchase one.

Craig MacDonald said...

Yeah, the market here is all messed up b/c of the big bubble and equally big burst. So many people lost their homes that it's a landlord's market. People can't qualify to buy b/c they walked away from an upside down situation, so they have to rent. Landlords can choose from a number of potential renters, and rental prices have risen accordingly.