Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Worry is a misuse of the imagination.

Keep looking

Tonight we'll start off with a bit of puzzlement.
When he stops running put your cursor an inch or so over his head.
How do they do this stuff? And why is it so addictive?

I watched a program tonight on the technology built into modern cars. Not the low end Fords, but the luxury models are more techie than a space ship. The new Audi A8 includes a night vision camera with infrared technology to see things your headlights might miss.
I want a car with a real carburetor, 3 on the tree, and a radio. That's all.
I want to drive, not be driven.

My throat is finally better but I still have no energy. I know one person at church who was just diagnosed with strep, and Josh is going to the dr. tomorrow because he feels lousy and is the only person in their house who hasn't been told they have it. Hmmm.

I heard a new euphemism for a guy with his zipper down. Gibbs, on NCIS, said it to a loser guy from the evidence room. He said, "The Buick's out of the garage."

I didn't vote in the AZ primary today. Insufficient motivation to overcome my lack of energy.
I believe that somewhere within the Republican Party a fiscal and social conservative with remarkable intellectual capabilities and political integrity is hiding, deep undercover. Maybe he or she will show themselves for 2016. If they do, chances are at least even that the bumper sticker branch of the party will run them out of the process for failure to faithfully recite the various mantra that prove orthodoxy.

I honestly don't know what I'll do in November. It may depend on which candidate gets past the Republican convention. I have convictions about my responsibility as a citizen to vote, but at least at this point I don't know if voting for the lesser of evils fulfills that obligation.

I'll get back to you on that one.


Anonymous said...

It's an old joke. Secretary tells her boss whose zipper is down, "I noticed your garage door is open this morning." Realizing what she meant but deflecting his embarrassment he replies, "Well, did you see my big Buick parked inside?" "No", she replies coolly, "But I did notice the old, small Yugo parked inside."

Craig MacDonald said...

Love it! How did I miss that one?