Saturday, March 3, 2012

Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.


I liked Adele a lot better before I heard her speak (including her sign language).
cf. Amy Winehouse.

In San Jose, CA cops were searching a home for stolen iPads. In the process of that search they discovered a stash of meth... $34 million in meth! The feds were called in to take over what was apparently a factory. The cops also found several items stolen in Palo Alto robberies.
If you're running a meth operation that has $34 million of product ready for shipment do you really need to steal iPads??

The Saturday opera on our NPR station today was Aida. Great music, some of which most people would recognize even if they don't like opera because it's been used in so many other formats. Including getting butchered by Junior High orchestras. DAMHIK

In addition to the normal Saturday chores I worked on the trailer. Getting real close. I put the "strapping" on - the 1.5" x 1/8" flat aluminum stock that goes over the top at the outside edges and seals the skin to the sides. Except I'm not sure it did. I couldn't find the vinyl "D" molding in the size he specifies, and the smaller version I could get didn't compress as it should have. No problem; a tube or six of clear latex caulk will take care of it. And he has so over designed this thing, including sealing it in multiple ways against water intrusion, that I think it could be thrown in a lake and it would float for a week.

Did Rush Limbaugh apologize because he genuinely regrets his stupid and offensive comments or because he was losing sponsors?
His stupid and offensive comments (I tried to come up with another way to say that but all the options involve language I shouldn't use) also serve to distract attention from the real and legitimate issues involved in the debate.
Yeah, thanks, Rush.
Have you met Howard Stern?

For reasons that we don't need to explain I had to file away the sermon I had finished Thursday morning and start over with another one. It happens. And it's not like the time was wasted; I can use it later. But it adds an element of excitement to tomorrow's efforts.

For now, Saturday night chillin' and an early bedtime. Pam will be out the door about 6:30 to be at her desk by 7:00 and I'll follow shortly thereafter.

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