Monday, March 5, 2012

When I'm feeling down, I like to eat a bucket of fried chicken in front of a Jenny Craig Outlet.

I felt like giving you the heebee-geebees tonight.

I like interesting days and this one certainly falls in that category. And it's not done.

My routine usually involves (is that redundant? or self-contradictory?) watching the first 30 minutes of The Today Show to catch any important news. They aired this commercial. Wow! The production values are incredible, I can't figure out what it has to do with watches, there is NO speaking, and it's three and a half minutes long! During the first segment of The Today Show! It sure caught my attention.

I got the roof vent installed in the trailer. The guy who created these plans has over designed this thing twice and his instructions for putting the vent in are another example. The mating surface gets rope putty and silicone caulk. The screws get dipped in silicone caulk before driving. Then more silicone caulk around the perimeter after it's installed. 

I left mid-morning to meet Geoff and Shannon Husa - and little Abigail - for lunch in Gilbert. It took me an hour to get there but it was well worth it. I haven't seen them since they left for Papua New Guinea two years ago. Besides some catching up Geoff and I had a great discussion of the hermeneutical issues involved in a Bible translation, whether the target language is English or Mibu. Good stuff!

Geoff was right about the BBQ joint. Very good! I had a pulled pork BBQ sandwich and a side of homemade potato salad. 
I have thought for years that it would be fun to take a cross country road trip for the purpose of sampling regional BBQ. St. Louis, Texas, Louisiana.... 
I don't know which is which, but this was the sweet variety. And very good. 
We sat outside. It was 82 degrees. 

When I got home a worked a bit more on the trailer. Every seam and joint on the exterior gets caulked, and I'm far enough along that I can do that to the front portion and sides. All that remains is the strapping on the galley and I'll work on that the rest of this week. 

Speaking of beautiful cars, I love this one. And Pam agrees. The dash is gorgeous. Simple, graceful lines, wonderful colors...

In a couple of hours I'll leave for a sleep study at the Arizona Sleep institute. Pam has long commented on what she finds scary breaks in my breathing during the night, and this summer John, who was also staff at camp and was a cabin mate in the staff cabin, said the same thing. 
But a couple of times lately I've come abruptly awake in the middle of the night panting, feeling very out of breath. OK, I'll go see my doctor.
After asking some questions he thought it was a pretty obvious case of sleep apnea but he sent me to a pulmonologist for follow-up. He agreed and ordered the sleep study.
As part of the process I had to fill out a questionnaire I'll take with me. And there was a page for "spouse or roommate" to complete. I read what she wrote and was, uhm, surprised. I had no idea! 
I show up at 8:30, get a couple dozen electrodes hooked up to my body, and then sleep in a mock bedroom until I leave at 6:30 a.m. But they said I don't have to go to sleep right away. They have a TV and a comfortable chair. I asked if they had internet and she said, "Sometimes we can get it from the hotel across the street." OK. I'll leave the computer home. 
I go back on the 15th to get results. 
An interesting end to an interesting day. 

Normally it would be creepy to know someone was watching me sleep. I'm not sure it isn't now. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A) Your two brothers can/will drive that car down to your place after you buy it.
B) My wife went through the sleep study, the results of which were: Mild Sleep Apnia. No corrective measures taken (unfortunately). CYB