Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"The English have three vegetables and two of them are cabbage." - Walter Page

Sole-mate, or were these boots made for walkin'..."all over you"?

Poor Hillary. Her skin crawled because creepy Donald was standing too close to her on the debate stage (knowing it was on live TV with millions of people watching).
Imagine if she'd have become President and had to deal with some really bad guys.

Burrito had/has scours! (aka diarrhea when it's in people) His bum was a dirty mess this morning, so there was no question about the diagnosis. However, he ate alfalfa when I put it in their feeder, took breakfast from his mamma, and was back to jumping up on stumps like normal.
I dosed him with a probiotic designed for goats and cleaned his rear so we can tell if he continues with the scours. Marta says if he's still got it this evening (it's morning as I type this) we need to hit him with the med that treats coccidiosis because he's at the prime age for that issue.
Mostly I feel much better knowing it's scours and not some internal organ issue we can't see to diagnose. And seeing him act normally has us cautiously optimistic.

Harley Davidson just revealed eight completely redesigned motorcycles for the next model year. Now you can look even cooler as you sit by the side of the road waiting for the tow truck.
"Never ride a Harley further than you're willing to walk back."

The above was written this morning shortly after b'fast. Since dosing Burrito with a probiotic he's had no more scours and his activity level is almost back to normal. Marta agrees he probably ate something he shouldn't have, or too much of something OK for him. Either way, we're happy he's better. I'll keep an eye on him for a day or two, though.

In F1 racing (I'm a fan) they have what they call silly season. It's a stretch near the end of the racing season when drivers and teams jockey for connections, with drivers moving to new teams in hopes of reviving stalled careers. (See what I did there?)
Our culture has entered silly season, but I suspect it's 365 days long.
NYC is reviewing the appropriateness of the statue of Christopher Columbus that stands in Columbus Circle because of his treatment of indigenous people in the Caribbean Islands.
ESPN has pulled one of the scheduled announcers from a Univ. of Virginia football game (in Charlottesville) because his name is...Robert Lee. He's Asian.
The homeless population in OR has risen 6% over the last two years. So the county here wants to build a 50 unit apartment complex to house them. Because offering free housing will certainly stem the flow.

I worked at David & Marta's rental this afternoon just long enough to get the inside of all the windows cleaned. Tomorrow I'll go back and clean the outside of the windows Pam couldn't reach and finish painting that bedroom, which should wrap things up.

I'm pooped. Did 5 miles this morning, had an appointment in town, mucked out the barn and cleaned windows.
Oh, and fixed the barn door which fell off. If you want to peg out on the frustration meter and get a workout at the same time try reinstalling a 20 lb. door, including relocating the hinges, with five curious goats doing their best to get in the middle of the process. Goats who are responsible for knocking it down in the first place.
I hadn't planned on cleaning windows but after that project I needed to be alone to cool down physically and emotionally, and working at the rental seemed like the best way to do that.

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