Sunday, January 21, 2018

If stupidity got us into this mess why can't it get us out?" - Will Rogers

Sometime after supper tonight I'll begin the drive home and hope to arrive about 23 hours after leaving. Pam flies home Thursday; she gets a little extra Grammy Time.
I think this has been the best visit we've had. At least from my perspective. We've had a perfect balance of time with each of the two families separately and time all together. I feel reconnected with a full heart.
I'm seriously impressed with them all. Both sons are off to a great start on their respective new  business ventures, as parents all four are nailing it IMO, and the kids...impressive in their own way. Because Caedon and Megan are older their strengths and character are more apparent and both show every indication of growing into stellar adults. They're bright, easy, light, and grounded. Jason and Emily are attached to each other as brother and sister, learning good manners and obedience (sometimes to their parents exhaustion), and easy to be with.
In fact, I'm surprised how a 5-year old and a 2-year old are perfectly comfortable with a grandad they don't see but once or twice a year. I love it!!
Yep, I'll drive home all warm inside.

I decided to stop watching the NFL when the game was overtaken by the players' protests. I wondered if I'd miss watching games and following my favorite teams. I don't. I can't tell you which teams are in the playoffs and which aren't, which are favorites..... I followed the NFL fairly closely but don't miss it at all.

I followed politics closely, too. My embarrassment over our President's behavior is now a year old. I find myself avoiding the evening news, the Sunday morning talk shows, and skipping over the political stories appearing on national news sites. I'm not sure I could name a Congressman I consider a statesman.

The difference between the NFL and national politics is that football has no impact on my life.

"So-and-so" just announced they're engaged, or expecting a child, or going to the grocery store for bread.
It seems an indication of our obsession with "celebrities" (I'm not sure what puts someone in that category) that the very ordinary events of life become headline news if they involve a pop culture icon. Call it the Kardashian Effect. It's an indication of my age and disconnect with pop culture that I almost never know who those people are, but I think I'm almost proud of my ignorance for what it says about my life.
I like it that I can tell which goat is upset by the sound of the bleating.

When I get home I've got work to do. Lots of chores are waiting, with mucking out the goat barn at the top of the list. But I'm researching some options and need to decide what to do and how. I'm reading "Raising Boer Goats for Profit" and giving serious thought to expanding our herd so we can sell kids for meat. I can't butcher and sell because I don't have the license required but I can sell live goats. We've got almost 2 acres on the other side of the creek that just sits there. If I fenced it and built a shelter I could easily raise a small herd that wouldn't need feed because there's plenty of browse available.
And I need to decide what I want Sally to be. I want a daily driver, not a garage queen, but how much time and effort (and money!) should I put into a restoration? That needs to be decided before I go too much further so improvements are done in the proper sequence. Otherwise I could tackle a part of a restoration that would involve undoing work done out of sequence.
The fruit trees need pruning and January when the trees are dormant is the month for that task.
I need to return to the rekeying of Understanding Your Bible so it can be republished.
I think I can easily make a significant upgrade to our one bathroom by putting in a new vanity and sink. What we have is old and ratty. I can get an off-the-shelf vanity, a Formica counter top that I'd cut to size, and then drop in a basic sink and faucet combo. Then see if I can find a solution to the bad jalousie window.

Maybe I can do that drive in 22 hours and get to work sooner.

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