Saturday, May 4, 2019

"Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism...and wars." - Dale Carnegie

I made the snickerdoodle dough last night and put it in the refrigerator. It's easier to roll them into balls when the dough is chilled. This morning I rolled them, coated them with the cinnamon/sugar mix, and baked.
The first sheet.
I could see they weren't flattening out and figured it was because the dough was still chilled. So instead of the 9 minutes I had set on the timer I figured I let them go 10. Then 11. Then...15. At that point I opened the oven door and pressed down on one of them with the spatula. It broke into pieces.
HOW do you screw up snickerdoodles?? There's about six ingredients, you mix them all up together, roll them into balls and bake.
For Pete's sake.
These were for my class Tuesday night. I'm glad I started baking Saturday morning so I still have time for something other than a stop at Costco. But I wish I knew what went wrong.

According to Marta, Stella is still the aloof female despite Chiz's best efforts to woo her.
OK, not woo. He's pretty much a "Let's do this" kinda male. The goat version of a "Me too" experience.

The Dems have thought from the beginning that President Trump stole the election from Hillary. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because her campaign was hacked and undercut via collusion with the Russians. Accordingly, their response has not been to simply oppose all of his actions and decisions but to seek his removal through impeachment. Mueller's report didn't give them the grounds they hoped for so they've shifted from accusations of collusion to obstruction. Mueller said there wasn't evidence of the former charge and not enough in his opinion to proceed with the latter. This puts the Dems in a difficult spot, so their next tactic has been to attack AG Barr for his handling of the Mueller report and frame him as a lackey. He published a redacted version (per federal law) and survived a full day of Senate grilling without any holes being poked in his position.
He declined to appear before a similar House committee because they wanted staff lawyers to participate, despite the fact that many of the Reps are themselves lawyers. So the House committee members were reduced to using stage props (an empty chair for Barr and a bucket of KFC) to grab public attention and sway opinion in their favor.
Hey, I won't argue with anyone who says President Trump is an embarrassment, beneath the dignity of the office, and arguably in WAY over his head. The Peter Principle comes to mind. But at some point - and we're there - the Dems look like children who can't deal with reality but would rather throw a tantrum and hope that will change things.
Get on with it, folks. Make a case that he's all of those problematic things, that you can do better, and let the American voter decide.

The question is, can I get all my church work done and still have time to do outside chores here at home? The former is what's important but the latter is key to my mental health. I told Pam I may have established a rep at the office as a kind of administrative Mikey. Remember the ad, "Give it to Mikey. He'll eat anything." Lead the hymn sing? Cover at the prison? Bake the cookies for Continuing Ed class? "Give it to Craig. He'll do anything."
If that's the case it is MY fault and no one else's. I am capable of saying no, I just don't because I have in my head that I should be a good team player, and saying no doesn't feel like that.
And I over-prepare. WAY over-prepare. But it's the only way I feel confident going into a lesson, and I hate feeling insecure as I teach or preach. I also think it's one of the reasons I'm effective.
As you can probably tell by reading this paragraph, I'm trying to process this issue. So far I'm not close to a resolution. And I might be the only one who thinks I'm doing too much for a 1/2 time employee. They might think, "What's your problem? We're all doing the same." So if I bring it up I look like a slacker.

Life is not easy.
I've asked my small group and my mentees if they think life is easy or hard, and I get a mixed response. About half of them have said it's hard.
If you don't care, or at least don't pay attention it's easy. Path of least resistance. But if you take it seriously and view it ALL as a stewardship it's hard to know both the what and the how.

In that vein, I'm being bad.
The guy who had to give Buddy up because he needed to go live in an assisted living place has a female friend of many years. She sends me emails from time to time asking me to take Buddy over so Bill can see him. Apparently Bill was very attached to Buddy.
Doing that takes over an hour. By the time we drive into Eugene, spend time with Bill, and drive home I've lost a good chunk of my day.
One of her emails is sitting in my in-box now. It came in four days ago and I still haven't responded. I need to, even if it's to say no. I feel like I should say yes becausse it's the kind thing to do for Bill. It would make his day. But it would mess mine up, and I'm already buried with tasks. So what's the right thing to do?
The good/evil decisions are easy to discern (if not to act out). It's the good/best ones that are tough.

Life is hard.

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