It's mid-afternoon, sunny and 76 degrees, and I've just awakened from a brief nap. I was baking at 4 a.m. and busy through the morning. Tonight is the first class in the "Continuing Ed" series and I need to be on top of my game, so 20 winks seemed like a good idea. (When isn't it?)
I got the room set up this morning with space for 40 to sit at tables (they'll get a handout for note taking), the coffee makers are set and only need to be turned on, and I made sure my computer is talking to the projector via Apple Play.
I wrote last week about Ray and his work taking down a big cedar tree just up the street from the church offices. Here's a pic of the last piece of the tree. Keep in mind that Ray is 7' tall. That trunk is 5' in diameter, weighs 8,000 pounds, and the rings indicate the tree was 78 years old.
Ray brought me a plastic bag full of chips from that cedar tree. Smells wonderful.
I got a text from Marta this morning telling me she heard loud noises from the honeymoon suite last night and suspects that Stella and Chiz were thoroughly enjoying each other's company. She was going to check on them later today to see if Stella was showing the tell tail signs of being in heat. (Yes, I did that on purpose. One of the signs is a constantly wagging tail. The other can be seen just under her tail.) Assuming she's right
Dolly is due the 11th of June.
We're just home from class. I'd set up chairs for 40 and it wasn't enough. We had people sitting on the stairs. I'm guessing close to 50. This pic was taken before class started, so not everyone was there yet, and the "lens" isn't wide enough to get out to the edges of the rows.
I taught at warp drive, afterward Ben said, "You're crazy," but I think it went well. I think 95% of the content was totally new to 90% of the people so I hope they didn't leave feeling snowed under.
By the way, that's Marta and David in the front row. Good people, good friends.
I'm officially exhausted. I'm supposed to meet with Ben tomorrow at 6 a.m. but he told me tonight he's coming down with something and needs to stay home. I'm fine with that! I may sleep in until 5:00!
Just had a PB&J with a cup of coffee. Now...bedtime.
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