Sunday, March 13, 2016

Someone stole my Microsoft Office and they're going to pay. You have my Word.

The good news: his brakes work.

I have a blog load of items to report but it's relatively late in the day so all I'll report on is this afternoon's adventure.

Just before church started Gustavo and Keren came over to where we were sitting.

They're the couple who are involved with Eugene Opera. Keren teaches singing at the U of O and sings occasionally in EO productions. Gustavo is Assistant Choral Master for EO (he coaches and rehearses the chorus) and teaches voice. The best part: they're both from the same suburb of San Jose, Costa Rica where I taught in September and know Pastor Alonso well. The sang at Alonso & Silvia's wedding.

Anyway, they came over and asked if we wanted a pair of tickets to this afternoon's performance of Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin. Keren sang the role of Tatyana's nanny and had the tickets at Will Call for friends who had to back out.
They're loss!

I'd read the storyline a couple of weeks ago when I learned they were both involved in the production, but before I know she was singing one of the roles. The program notes said the initial reviews declared the plot weak and the music the only reason for seeing the opera. I dunno; we talked about the story for most of the way home.

It was fun to see a friend sing, we liked the Count's aria in the third act the best, agreed Onegin was a complete scoundrel, and am pretty sure I was the only one there in blue jeans.
In fairness, we had no idea when we left for church that we'd be attending the opera.
Which doesn't make my mother feel any better, because it still leaves me wearing blue jeans to church.

Mom, does it help that they're almost new blue jeans and I wore a button-down shirt?

1 comment:

steve_macd said...

I like the term "Dress Jeans"