Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it." - Flannery O'Connor

The winner in this week's Nice Save contest:
Anthony West!

The morning got underway at Mom's Cafe, a place I just learned about two weeks ago from David. It's in an old house on Hwy 99 in north Eugene that has a look that says, "you really do not want to eat here." The inside is more of the same, but hey, I trust David and have had some bad meals in beautiful settings.
An old crusty guy as the only cook (the owner), one waitress, and a waitress-in-training.
In this case, don't judge a joint by its appearances. I had the Popeye omelet (spinach, cheese, BACON), toast and coffee, and it was very good. Pam had eggs and BACON. Good food, reasonable prices, friendly service. We'll go back.

From there to Mike's Bargain Center and U-Haul Rental to pick up the van I'd reserved and then on to Home Depot where we got the chest freezer and some of what I need for the weanling shelter. Went back to Mike's Bargain Center, which turns out to be a discount lumber yard (he needs a more descriptive business name) to get the T1-11, 2x4's and pressure treated 4x4's which he had at a lower price than H.D. Home to unload and then a 3-mile run (ugh) before taking the van back.

There's a 25' x 50' garden area that the previous owner enclosed with an 8' fence to keep the deer out. But with the trees we had taken out last year the area down by the creek gets a lot more sun so I moved the raised beds down there. This garden area has been unused this year.
I've put up a frame for hanging goat carcasses for butchering at one end of the area and am putting the shelter for weanlings at the other.
This place needs a name, but I can't decide what it should be. It's the place goats will go for slaughter and kids will go to be separated from their mothers for the first time and stay until they're weaned. NOT a happy place.
So what's the right name?

At breakfast Pam and I talked about the shift from bathing to showering (last night's post). We agree the death of the bath came because of the time saved with showering. By the time you fill the tub, take the bath (while the water gets cold) and get out you can take two showers. And bathtubs need cleaning.
Do they make soaking tubs with cup holders? Or heaters to keep the water warm?

Cleaned the chicken coop this afternoon, an overdue task. They went into panic mode but don't have the sense to just go out into the pen.
Spike is a good looking rooster who keeps tight control on his ladies. They should start laying in a few weeks, assuming they were day-olds when we got them. With 10 hens we should have enough eggs for us and a dozen or two to sell each week.


Anonymous said...

What about "Hades?"

steve_macd said...

When we renovated our bathroom we insulated the interior of the deck around the soaking tub to help retain the heat. When you spend good money on a tub insert, you get an insulated tub. When you're a MacDonald, you liberally apply batt insulation

MacDaddy said...

How about Alpha Omega for the new goat space. Its the beginning and the end.

Craig MacDonald said...

Good suggestions, all. I thought about Sheol (Heb. equivalent of Hades) and may still use that.
Any name needs to be short and easy to say. Cf. MoHo, Fred, Barnette.
I'm also trying out Telos, the Greek word for End. It's the end of life and the end of food from momma.
There's time.

Unknown said...

We stopped baths when girls got into independent mode, but I stopped when I realized I was soaking in my own sloughed off skin cells and dirt. Ewwwh.

Mike said...


Anonymous said...

The stockyard?