Wednesday, September 27, 2017

"The young man knows the rules. The old man knows the exceptions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Beginning in June of next year Saudi Arabia will allow women to drive for the first time in the kingdom's history.
Imagine: a huge group of middle-age and post-menopausal women, some of whom have more money that entire countries, will take the keys of Ferraris, Bugattis, and Aston Martins and head out on that country's streets and roads. None of them have ever been behind the wheel of a 100 hp Toyota, never mind an 800 hp supercar.
"Oh, the humanity."
There's all kinds of money to be made here, folks.

You may remember the build-out of the trailer our church is providing so homeless people can take a shower. I did the construction work - framing, installing the two shower units, lights, etc., and a local plumbing firm installed the propane water heater and ran the lines to the shower heads.
It's finally ready to go into use (after sitting for about six months) and last week there was an "orientation" meeting I was asked to attend so those who will be in charge of putting it into service could learn how it works and establish some policies, like how long someone gets for taking a shower, what they can/cannot do during that time, etc.

Except that when I saw the thing I was horrified. The cover box I made for the front wall to hide and secure the plumbing bits and pieces looked horrible. I don't know if it was the summer heat (it got HOT this year) in an enclosed space or shoddy work on my part, but the laminate I'd glued onto the OSB was coming loose so the thing looked just plain bad. Totally unacceptable and I was embarrassed.

Yesterday I went to Home Depot and got the supplies to redo that front cover - a 4x8 sheet of A/B pine plywood that I'll stain, varnish, and use to replace the existing mess. The cover has three doors to allow access to those plumbing bits and pieces (valves, hot water heater, etc) so I'll cut out openings, make new overlay doors, and install those, too. I *hope* it doesn't take too much time, but there's no way I could let that hot mess of a cover stay there.

The good news: I've worked hard on the weaning pen the last week and with another hour or two of work should have it ready for Friday's move-in. AJ and Burrito will get weighed and then put in their new digs for two months until they're weaned and momma is dried up.

We had Itzhak's ribs for dinner tonight. (That sounds like it should be a book title). Pam made a really good marinade and then put them in the oven for 2 hours. She moved them from the oven to the broiler for a bit before serving them up.
They weren't tough, but also not as tender as you expect ribs to be. Is that because we waited too long to butcher? He was certainly bigger than the ideal butchering weight. Would they have been more tender if we owned a grill and could quick cook them?
The next butcher (AJ) will happen at 80 lbs instead of 110-120 lbs., and we'll find out then what difference that makes. And maybe next spring we'll get a BBQ.

Did my 8 mile route at exactly an 11-minute pace but it was harder than I thought it should have been. Short routes tomorrow and Friday, and then an 11-miler Saturday. Once I get to that distance I'm essentially ready for the half marathon. Training plans typically have you maxing out your training at 80-85% of event distance. I may take it to a long of 12 miles, but I'm still one month out so I've got plenty of time and should have a very solid base by the time the date comes (10/28).

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