Tuesday, August 13, 2019

"Desperation is a man shaving before stepping on the scale." - Unknown

Last night we finished the OT intro and did the intertestamental period. Again, they did great and their questions evidenced their grasp of the material and ability to think about its implications.
"If no one was allowed in the Holy of Holies how did they ever move the Tabernacle from one place to the next?"
At some sessions we play a quiz game. I toss a small ball to someone and ask them a question. If they get the answer they toss the ball to someone else who then gets a question from me. We do this for several rounds and have fun in the process. Anyone who gets stumped is free to toss the ball to someone else to answer that question.
They enter into the fun and do very well.

Tonight we'll do an overview of the NT, look at some relevant maps so they learn the geography of the period, and begin the section on the Gospels.
We have class tonight, Wed. and Thurs. night, and all day Saturday. I'm tentatively scheduled to lead a discussion Saturday night on serving in the local church at their couples' gathering and then preach Sunday morning at the Boa Viagem church. This Sunday is their anniversary so I'm writing a new sermon appropriate to the occasion - Israel crossing the Jordan and setting up memorial stones and then going on to conquer the Land. (Looking back and looking ahead.)

This morning Joe, Michelle, and Vittoria went to the funeral for Jameson, a 22-year old from the Ibura church who died Monday morning. He was having lots of seizures and was given phenobarbital to control them. Unfortunately, he had an allergic reaction to the drug and experienced organ failure. A liver transplant didn't help and he died after repeated heart attacks.
I remember learning in a college anthropology class that one way to identify separate cultures is by their distinctive rituals for weddings and funerals. From the description I got from Joe & Michelle funerals in Brazil are certainly distinctive!

After they got back we went to an all-you-can-eat meat restaurant. They have a buffet table with dozens of salads, breads, rice and bean dishes, and hard boiled quail eggs. When you fill up your plate with those goodies you go to your table and prepare for all kinds of meat. Guys show up with a big skewer with one of a dozen varieties of meat and slice some of it off the skewer on to your special meat plate. Before you've eaten that delicious slice of roast beef another guy shows up with pork on his skewer.
Chicken heart, sausage, pork ribs, beef cooked a different way.....
And they just keep coming until you tell them to stop.
Brazilians are all about meat.

It's 11:30 p.m. We've had supper: couscous with scrambled eggs, fried cheese, and banana smoothies. Now it's time for sleep. Teaching was a struggle tonight and I'm too tired.

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