I'm moving to Kentucky!
Can world peace be far behind?
Too cool!
Yes, I want it. A modern drivetrain and do NOT touch the exterior.
I'm behind on responding to emails. Too busy.
This afternoon I replied to a girl who was in our church youth group in Prunedale. OK, she was a H.S. student then, but that was 40+ years ago.
She'd come across a document that listed some of the things we did together with the 6-8 kids who were teens in that church. (I was pastor, youth pastor, and whatever else needed doing, including remodeling the men's bathroom.)
That was a truly remarkable group of teens and I think about them often. What became of the Terry siblings? Doris? I'm still in touch with Darci and Terry Chaffin through Facebook and they're both doing well.
Gotta admit, I'm pressing through right now. Sometimes we go through stretches where we put one foot in front of the other and hope that this escalator called life doesn't outpace our ability to keep up. Getting an email like that is an encouragement to keep on keeping on.
Thanks, Teri. Your timing is impeccable.
That's an interesting word, impeccable. It's the negative form of the Latin verb peccare, to sin. So impeccable timing is without flaw. It's perfect.
Portuguese has some words like that. The word for death is morte.
It's starts raining tonight and will continue through the weekend with the heaviest amounts falling between now and Friday. So this afternoon I got the barn cleaned, some firewood stacked, and tools put away. I've got plenty of inside tasks to get done so I'll use the wet weather to my advantage and be ready to re-emerge the first of next week to return to outside chores.
My Thursday night class is currently doing a 4-week series on the eight salvation words in the NT. This week: propitiation and justification.
The first one is complex and I'm working hard to prepare an explanation that is accurate, reasonably complete, but also very user-friendly. Lots of reading and thinking. I enjoy the process, but don't feel like I have the time that preparing a good presentation requires.
Dinner time. Then a recorded episode of Endeavor, then bed. I have lots to get done tomorrow and starting early will be key.
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