But do you see some Homer Simpson here? The eyes?
Excellent Ryder Cup finish! Azinger turned out to be the genius captain.
Speaking of genius, did you see Meet the Press this morning. Again, we leave before the program is done, but the portion we saw included an interview with Henry Paulson, Fed Chairman, and Michael Bloomberg, mayor of NY. Before he was mayor, Bloomberg was a very successful businessman and is listed as the 8th richest American. That's why Brokaw had him on after Paulson - he's considered an expert on economic issues.
Listening to Paulson and Bloomberg talk about the economy was beyond impressive. As I listened I thought to myself, "These guys have an incredible grasp of things so complex that I don't even know what the issues are."
I was also struck by the fact that the two of them seemed to agree on the basics of our current situation and what should be done about it. I expected Bloomberg to be the dissenting voice, that he had been picked as the follow-up guest because he'd be critical of Paulson's position. Maybe he was, but he talked about his respect for Paulson's analysis and his proposed plan.
Hey, I can't balance the checkbook, never mind figure out what's going on at the macro-economics level. But I could understand just enough of what those two guys said to feel better about this plan and the people working it.
Late this afternoon I went to the gym for my workout and from there to the pool. Afterward, while changing into my street clothes, a guy who looked to be 70 came in and said, "I sure see you here a lot." I explained that I come every day but Saturday, that I run & bike in the morning and lift and swim late afternoon/early evening. He asked why anyone would do that to themselves, so I explained about the triathlon.
He then said, "You're not so good at the swimming, are you." There was absolutely no harshness or rudeness in his voice, it was just an objective observation. So I couldn't be offended. I just agreed with him. "No, I suck at swimming."
We talked for about five minutes. He swam competitively up until a few years ago in a Master's League. He said he's seen me swimming and commented, again, very objectively on some of the flaws in my technique. I told him my biggest issue was the tension - no, panic - I feel that leads to hyper-ventilation.
He offered to help me with my swimming and I told him I'd appreciate that very much. So next time he sees me there he's going to help me out. But just in case, I've gone to Plan B, a wuss stroke, but one that I can do w/o a snorkel. I did 300m of Plan B this afternoon. It was exhausting, but I've got two months to build up endurance.
I'm feeling the preacher's Sunday evening stupor, so I'm headed to bed. After my morning training work I'm meeting a realtor to go to a house he's just sold. Several items came up during the inspection, including the need for a new garbage disposal, some drywall repair, a new relief line for the water heater and roof repair. The first real job I've had in weeks.
T'ank you, Fadder.
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