Monday, September 22, 2008

My mind works like lightning. One brilliant flash and it's gone.

Our grandson, Caedon, thinks motorcycles are pretty cool. Good kid!

I worked at a house this morning that has just sold. The home inspector found some things he said needed to be fixed, so I'm taking care of that list. Some of them are nothing more than an attempt to justify his fee. But I get paid nonetheless. I'll go back tomorrow to finish up.
This place is in Sun City Grand, the community that the Del Webb Corp. built after ours. It's considerably fancier in every respect and proportionately more expensive. This particular house is 2,300 sq. feet, has three bedrooms and two baths, a large living room and an equally large family room, and sits on one of the golf courses in SCG. Nice house! The list price was$450,000 and it sold for $400,000. The buyers, moving here from Indiana, paid cash.
The wife stopped by while I was replacing the garbage disposal. She looks to be in her late 60's. Because this is an age-restricted community it will be just the two of them.
Hey, if they've got the coin and want a house like this I'm happy for them. But for the life of me I can't figure out why two people need a house like that. My folks live in a big house but they've been there for about 35 years. What is this couple going to do with all that space?
I sometimes think people buy things like houses, cars, etc. not because they need them but because they can. If they have $400,00 to buy a house why would they buy one that only costs $200,000, even if it more than meets their needs?

I like the song, and the video clips are a perfect, and entertaining match.
Had a Bad Day

Today is the Autumnal Equinox, the first day of fall. We got into triple digit temps and will again tomorrow.

Transvestite: someone who likes to eat, drink and be Mary.

1 comment:

steve_macd said...

"Hello Pot - this is Kettle...your black."

I seem to remember two people who resembled my parents purchasing a 4,000 square foot, three-story farm house that was in need of some serious renovation.

Of course, we felt it was our duty to help you fill the house with love - that's the only reason we moved in with you.