Saturday, September 13, 2008

The difference between a garage sale and trash pickup is how close to the road the stuff is.

Ah, tabloid headlines. The epitome of creative writing.

And this is either a creative picture of a water polo team or a group of guys who swim like I do.
Note: I don't wear that kind of swim suit! But then, I don't have that kind of body.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and I have personal convictions about pastors getting a good night's sleep prior to services. Which means I won't stay up to watch SNL. But I really do want to see tonight's show. Michael Phelps is the host and their first show back from the summer hiatus should include some pretty funny political humor.
I'm always up early in the morning, especially on Sundays. So tomorrow morning I'll watch the Italian stop on the F1 circuit that's on live at 4:30 a.m. local.

You may remember that I tend some rentals for two guys in San Diego. A month ago one of the tenants failed to pay the rent. I paid a visit and they said it would be in the mail the end of the week. Not too surprisingly, it wasn't. September's rent didn't show up either, so the owner sent them a certified letter, return receipt requested, telling them they had five days to send the rent or face eviction. Today, a week later, I stopped by prepared to use my intimidating presence to ... I'm not sure what. But that's what I was asked to do.
The house was empty, all the shades but one drawn, so I used my key to get in. The carpet that was spotless six months ago is now filthy and the freshly painted walls need to be painted again. Things too large and too trashed to be taken were left behind in the back yard. Both the power and the water had been turned off, which means that they hadn't been paying those bills either.
There was a chance that this could have turn into a job for me, getting the place cleaned up for the next tenants. Alas, this owner, like the other, bought his investment properties at the height of the boom, is now upside down at the bottom of the bust, and is letting all four, including this one, go into foreclosure. No point cleaning up a house going back to the bank. Oh well.
I don't understand people who can fail to pay their bills and then just walk away. No explanation, no apologies, no effort to do what they could. Just up and leave. How do they see themselves?
If you're looking for a really nice house in a great neighborhood I know of one that's going to go really cheap! Four bedroom, three bath, and a park area out the back door. It needs some cleaning up, but I know a guy who will do that, too.

I did 35 miles this morning at a relaxed pace, planning to go to the gym and pool this afternoon. Never happened. And this afternoon I read the blog of one of the gals at church who, with her husband, is also going to do this tri. She wrote about her 1,000 meter swims.
Last night I wrote that getting beat by a girl is humiliating. I've got a little over two months to adjust my psyche to deal with that trauma.
I'm toast.

If you're into cars you know the name Harley Earl. He was the car designer of the 50's and 60's, worked at GM and was responsible for cars like the 'Vette, the Firebird and any car with fins. Here's a slide show of some of Earl's concept cars. I think the Y Job is my favorite. And if you follow the Barrett-Jackson auction you'll recognize the "bus."
Harley Earl Concept Cars

In the "too much time on their hands" category, here are two ways to waste time at work using a stapler.
I like the way he protects his identity.

The name "Wendy" was made up for the book "Peter Pan." There never was a Wendy before that.

I'm sorry if you were looking for more platform statements tonight. Our campaign is taking the day off in honor of Friday the 13th, which falls on a Saturday this month.
Time for a snack and then some shut-eye.


Anonymous said...

Love the tabloid headline! :)
The Peter Pan play came first, so it was made up for that. :)
To see about a cool new Peter Pan book, click on my name.

steve_macd said...

Man - can you bring them out of the woodwork or what?