Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

Your caption?

I'm sitting on our patio. It's 6:15 and the sun has just set, so I guess we're in what's called dusk. The temp is 87 degrees and the humidity is at 18%. Does it get any better?
But we've got a cold front moving through this weekend. High winds and temps dropping into the upper 70's. How ever shall we survive?

This morning I did a race distance run and ride back-to-back at about 90% effort.
Anybody want some lactic acid? Because my quads are filled with it. Ouch!
My pace for the two segments was OK, but if I had gone from my bike into the pool the outcome would have been certain death by drowning. I've got seven weeks to address that problem.

I've decided to adjust my eating pattern. I'm going to eat more throughout the day and get my last meal in earlier. I've been having a sandwich, chips and dessert about 9 p.m., but in the morning I've got some serious heartburn. Eating both dinner and what we joking call supper an hour or so earlier should help. And increasing my total caloric intake should both give me more energy and help stop the continuing weight loss. Our budget can more easily handle the slightly bigger grocery bill than a whole new wardrobe.
I was interested to see that I lost 2 pounds during my workout this morning. Yes, I know that was all fluid loss, but I was surprised it was that much.

I find this video amazing. At first I thought it was dubbed, but after looking at some others on the internet done by guys who aren't nearly as good I think he's actually doing all of this in real time.
Wouldn't this be a great skill to have? Imagine what a preacher could do with it!
Kitchen Diaries

I've often wished I could do good impressions. Preaching the narrative sections of the OT would be just as valid but a lot more fun if I could attach famous voices to the characters. Moses would have to be Heston. But think of the possibilities for other OT characters. Rodney Dangerfield for King Rehoboam ("I tell you, I don't get no respect"); Richard "I am not a crook" Nixon for King Ahab; Wally Cox (remember him?) for Gideon; the excitable John Madden for Paul...
Whose voice would you match to a Bible character?

If I had a lot of money I'd buy me some stock right now. Buy low and sell high. We all know that everything is going to be OK. We're at or near the bottom of an economic dive that got its impetus from the housing market - ridiculously inflated prices and bogus mortgages. Our govt. and now the govt.s of the rest of the world are taking unprecedented steps to intervene and I think their actions will hasten the recovery. But a recovery would happen eventually even without their action; it always does.
Here in Phoenix we're starting to see a significant up-tick in the sales of existing homes - up 7% last month. That's because prices have fallen so far that almost everyone can see there are real deals to be had in a market loaded with empty houses. Sure, it's tougher to get a mortgage, but those with 20% to put down (remember when that was req'd?) and good credit can still get them.
Same will soon be true in the rest of the economy, IMHO. People are going to figure out that the market has some bargains too good to pass up. At the beginning of Sept. Best Buy stock was selling at $45 a share. It closed today at $25.75 and will undoubtedly fall a little further, especially with disappointing holiday sales on the horizon. But does anybody seriously think that the largest retailer of electronic goods in America won't recover? We're a culture hooked on electronics! And when they do recover they'll have an even larger portion of the electronics market because this mess will have undoubtedly claimed Circuit City, the second largest retailer. Their stock closed today at 37 cents a share after sitting at $1.88 on Sept. 1.
Hey, I'm not a particular proponent of Best Buy, I've just followed them out of interest ever since Steve started working for them years ago. I'm sure there are better examples of companies whose stock is way down right now but will most certainly recover sooner rather than later. It makes me wish I had more knowledge than I do and a couple of thousand dollars to invest. Let's say it takes a year, or even two for Best Buy to go from $25 back up to $45. Not a bad return! Now choose one that is even lower but will recover more and sooner.
Yeah, I shoulda been rich.
Oh well. At least I'm a jock.

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