Saturday, October 11, 2008

A man in England had an infection over the entire left side of his body. They did surgery and he's all right now.

I want to know why a Mexican restaurant prints their notices in Chinese.
Or is it the other way around - a Mexican restaurant in China?
Either way, wouldn't a woman know?

I'm trying real hard to stay awake to watch the F1 race that's telecast live beginning at 9 p.m. but my eyes keep falling shut. It's not like I did all that much today. Some studying and then the gym & pool. Must be the S.C.E...the Sun City Effect.

Steve & Michelle stopped by while I was at the gym. They were on their way home from the airport after a week in Seattle. Since they didn't have any food at home and I didn't feel like firing up the grill as planned we went to Babbo's for dinner and a report and their trip. Sounds like they had a lot of fun. I'm jealous of their time with my folks.

Tomorrow morning at Pathway we'll start a series from 1 Corinthians. I don't think there's a book in the NT that is more closely tied to its cultural setting. Corinth was a unique city, unlike any other in the Roman Empire, and Paul's "first" letter to the church there is best understood in light of that setting. Those believers couldn't help but be affected by their surroundings, the more so because most of them were saved out of the base elements of that culture. So tomorrow we'll set up our studies in the book by looking at Corinthian culture.
Of course the take-away has to do with the effects of our culture on contemporary Christians.
Do you now the word "inurement?"

OK, the race is about to begin and the first corner is always the most exciting.
See you tomorrow night.

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