Friday, October 3, 2008

Just because you're necessary doesn't mean you're important.

Nobody has answered my math question from last night's post. Come on, folks. Somebody out there is smarter than a pastor.
( I heard that!)

What does Arizona have in common with Michigan?
A: we both have a cold snap coming. In Grand Rapids that means a freeze warning for tonight. In Phoenix that means highs tomorrow only in the upper 80's.
The guest room is available, folks!

How do smoke detector batteries know to fail at 2:00 a.m.? And why do I lay there hoping that the chirping will somehow stop so I don't have to get up and change the battery?
And in the "Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places" category, the cricket that spent the night in the master bath had better have moved on to other hunting grounds or serious damage will be done.

I'm in an email conversation with a couple from Ada, MI whom I've never met. They're buying 3494 Perry in Hudsonville, MI from the bank. They were trying to put together a short sale last April but couldn't get it done before the foreclosure went through. They did an internet search earlier this week on the address and my blog came up - a post shortly after my last visit there when I wrote about how badly the place had deteriorated since we sold it. They posted a comment and we've been exchanging emails as a result. I've been able to give them info on the location of the septic tank so that part of the inspection process can be completed, as well as a few other heads-up that could save them some grief. It would be great to see someone treat that grand house with the care and respect she deserves.
I'm struck with what an amazing thing the internet is. Under what other circumstances could we have made contact?

I think you'll enjoy this. And I want one of those (the tool).
New Tool for Men

Details in 48 hours, but Sunday is shaping up to be a significant morning for Pathway Bible Church. Fulfilling God's mandate.

Eva Longoria and Evan Longoria are not related. But they should be.

I don't think there's a more beautiful piece of music than Wagner's "Pilgrim's Chorus" from Tannhauser. Unless it's the "Children's Prayer" from Hansel and Gretel. I heard both today. I have to stop what I'm doing to listen.

I like the TV show "Life." No hanky panky, just a standard cop show with an interesting twist and dry humor.

Pam comes hometomorrow from her 10-day trip to MI. Just in time, too. I'm starving!

There's more in my head but I ran out of both physical and mental energy an hour ago. I'm going to stick my head in a bag of chips and then go to bed. Tomorrow is a long ride first thing in the a.m.

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