Saturday, October 4, 2008

When cryptography is outlawed, aksi lcisouejfgy fkxu lkasdo sdiojf

I'm not sure which side of this can I find scarier.

I waited in the cell phone lot at the airport for Pam. They have signs all around the perimeter saying, "Do NOT leave your vehicle." They also have handicapped parking spaces. Why?

Pam's mom watches cable news pretty much non-stop. This time of year that means people incessantly bickering about politics. In the car on the way home from the airport she said she was so tired of listening to people argue that she was looking forward to watching sports.

I did 24 miles at race pace this morning. As a result I have no pace this evening. Uff-dah!

O.J. is guilty. He also got convicted on the most recent charges of armed robbery and kidnapping.

When we lived in So. Cal. I was a big Dodger fan. I've never been a Cubs fan; never gave them a thought. They're from Chicago. But Manny Ramirez is, by almost all standards, a Class A jerk. So do I pull for a Dodger sweep or a Cubs comeback? There's something to be said for a Joe Torre victory as good comeuppance for a bully named Steinbrenner.

Never mind what I want, or think should happen, I think what will happen is an Obama victory next month. Should that indeed be the outcome I'll be grateful for what it represents for race relations in America. A Black President would have been unimaginable not that many years ago. We are making progress.

My head is into tomorrow morning's content. We also have a special item to take up. I'll report tomorrow evening. I think the wisest course now is heading for bed. I know - going to bed this early is a real Sun City thing to do, but that ride really took it out of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You want an answer to your math question?:
You gave incompelte information. The equation is distance = rate x time (d = r x t). With algebra the equation for your average rate becomes r = d /t. To figure out the average rate of your trip, we need to not only know the distance, but how long it took you to complete the distance. If, your total time was equal for both trips, then the shorter distance would look like a better pace, but maybe you took too much time at the ice cream stop and messed up your average.
Make any sense?