Why does he want to sit in the rising water. I haven't a clue. If we still had morning temps in the 90-degree range I'd understand, but it was in the low 50's this morning.
This is the taper-off portion of the training regimen. I did my 4.6 mile loop through the neighborhood this morning at a moderate pace. This afternoon I went to the gym and then spent some time in the pool. There won't be time or energy for anything tomorrow because of that speaking gig in the evening, so I may do a light and easy run/ride Monday and then just rest until the race Thursday morning.
We went downtown to pick up our race packets after lunch today. A couple of weeks ago they raised the limit from 500 participants to 700, and they're full, which bums us out. It means more crowded spaces in all three events, and some of them are already tight, especially the bike course. If it does blow and rain, as predicted, it will keep some of them home, so bad weather is a mixed bag.
I'll do my best; I'm incapable of moderating my effort. But I am moderating my expectations. Having looked at the course map today, hearing from some people who have done this event in the past, thinking about a more crowded field and the possibility of nasty weather - I'm realizing that my time won't reflect just my level of fitness and skill. Other things have to factor in, things that will probably slow me down, maybe considerably. Bummer. Then again, if gives me some basis for explaining away a really weenie elapsed time.
The Cardinals play the Giants here tomorrow. I'd love to see the Cards get another win but this one is a real long shot. At lunch today Steve said NY by 10 and Warner gets injured. I'll give the Giants the win but losing Warner would almost certainly mean the end for the Cards this season. Golden Boy Leinart doesn't have what it takes.
I know I should have something significant to blog about, but on this Saturday evening the preacher's head is full of what he's going to say tomorrow - sermon, lesson and evening gig. For whatever reason my mind is especially eager about all three. I want to do a good job, and the sermon in particular is a bit tricky. So I think I'm going to leave it here for tonight and spend some more time thinking through how I can best say what's in my head.
Tomorrow night's post will also be brief - at best - because I'm going to be whooped. But if I can pull it off, what I've planned for tomorrow night should be fun for all of us.
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