The current 10-day forecast now includes Thanksgiving Day.
Rain. 60% chance.
Let's hope the weatherman is as reliable as usual.
Stop me if you've heard this:
The boss takes one of his up-and-coming new hires on a business trip that involves travel by train. As they board the only available seats are directly across the aisle from a beautiful young woman and her grandmother. The two men take their seats, with the young man on the aisle directly across from the attractive young lady.
An hour into the trip the train entered a tunnel and the car was plunged into total darkness. Two sounds were heard, in quick succession. First, the loud smack of a kiss, followed by a slap.
As the train emerged from the tunnel each of the four stared straight ahead, but each had a silent thought.
The grandmother thought, "It was rude and presumptuous of that young man to kiss my granddaughter, and I'm glad she slapped him!"
The boss thought, "I'm glad he showed the spunk to kiss her, but I wish the grandmother hadn't missed and slapped me by mistake!"
The granddaughter thought, "I liked that kiss! I wish Grandma hadn't slapped him, though."
The young man thought, "Life is good. How often do you get the opportunity to kiss a beautiful young lady and slap your boss, all in the same few seconds?"
GM stock closed today at $2.79 a share. A year ago it was at $30. They said on the news tonight that the last time it was this low was in 1942. Ford closed today at $1.26. Who'd have imagined?
Click here to see what a '42 Chevy looked like.
If they still made cars like that I'd vote for the bailout!
This is brief tonight. Not a good day, that came after a similar night. Eager for that surgery! (a wink to my friend Sherry, who is teaching me the difference between eager and anxious. And I'm not anxious.)
So I'm going to sign off, and go to bed praying for clear weather a week from now. Taking turns on a bike at 20 mph gets a bit dicey in the rain.
1 comment:
possibly the funniest blog title yet. I am still giggling about it.
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