This was a good day if you're ADD, and I am.
Started with b'fast and good shop talk with Josh W at Paradise Bakery. We solved all the great theological issues of the last century with time left over to complete an analysis of evangelicalism and denominational trends.
I came home and did the first two segments of the triathlon at race distances and pace. I also practiced my transitions. I've got the switch from run to bike down to about 30 seconds but I don't know what the transition area at the race will be like. Will I have something to lean against while I change from running shoes to my clipless bike shoes?
I can't go from the bike ride right to the pool because I swim at the rec center a couple of miles away. But I decided to practice that transition too, as though it was race day and I was going directly into the pool. Our neighbors must have been a little concerned to see me come flying into our driveway on my bike, get off & lean it against the van and then very quickly rip off my clothes. Helmet, glasses, shirt, shoes and socks all ripped off as fast as possible, with just the lycra shorts left. "What is he doing? And how much is he going to take off??"
And then, stripped down to nothing but some very tight shorts, I stop and just stand there.
"Yep, he's crazy."
Later this afternoon I went to the pool and did 500m of my wuss stroke. Weird. Tuesday I swam and did fine; today I rehydrated myself as I swam. Pool water does not taste good. And belching is not a sound typically heard at a lap pool.
In between I worked on my sermon. I like it, but it's still early.
While I ate lunch I watched the news and the segment of the news conference in which Nancy Pelosi spoke about the Detroit situation. She spent a couple of minutes saying how essential it is that we preserve the American auto manufacturers. They are critical to the manufacturing segment of our economy. She then went on to say that the big three needed to come back with a specific plan before Congress would give them any money to keep them from bankruptcy.
Is it just me, or did she just set us up for a game of Texas Hold 'Em? Either the industry is essential and must be preserved, or we can put conditions on any govt. help. If we put conditions on govt. funds and they don't meet those conditions - don't come up with an acceptable plan - then we should let them die. But if they're essential to the American economy and we don't have any option but to do whatever is necessary to save them, any conditions are an empty threat. So, Nancy, which is it?
If I were a CEO at GM I would have to at least consider the option of calling her bluff. No plan; business as usual. So, Ms. Speaker, now whatcha gonna do?
AZ has a state govt. system different from what I'm used to. Michigan, for example, elects a governor and lieutenant governor from the same party, similar to the Pres. and V.P at the national level. AZ, by contrast, elects those two positions independent of one another.
Word is that Obama has asked AZ Gov. Janet Napolitano (Democrat) to be the Sect. of Homeland Security. If she takes the job, our current Lt. Gov. takes over the vacancy. Trick is, the current Lt. Gov. is a Republican, and would join with a Republican controlled House and Senate to pursue a more conservative agenda than the very skilled and liberal Napolitano has engineered. So we're watching this with special interest.
We've lived here just over two years and tonight I had my first Sonic Burger - a double with cheese. Mmmmm! But probably not the kind of thing that belongs on the training table. A week's worth of cholesterol.
Never squat with your spurs on.
NCIS reruns until Office comes on.
Your transition story had me laughing so hard, my stomach hurts!
I'm one of those neighbors that is always watching what's happening outside. That certainly would have been a site!
In case someone hasn't said so already - YOU ARE GOING TO DO GREAT!
Pelosi's contradictory behavior is a consequence of the contortions she must endure as slave to her parties multiple constituencies.
On the one hand you have the Greenie-granola's who pursue a fascistic plan of having big businesses bow to their agenda or go out of business. On the other hand you have Big Labor (i.e. Unions) who have used their political power to force poison pills down the throats of their own golden geese.
On a third hand are average Americans who will be very angry if the Congress throws good money after bad companies and the 'bailout' fails (which it likely will anyway).
In the middle are the Democrats who no longer have the "Evil Bushitler" to blame and will make some consituency mad no matter which way they turn. It's too bad that they have learned to substitue identity and special interest politics for true leadership. It will be VERY interesting to see what they do.
I just caught the sign in the background of your picture - now its even funnier
This picture narrows the difference between "exhibit" and "exhibitionist". Hmmm...
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