Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter.

The ladies primp for their big night on the town.

From a purely business perspective I can't figure out why the NFL would schedule a Thursday night game and broadcast it on a channel that a tiny fragment of the market gets (the NFL channel). Their viewership would be many times higher if they had it on any of the standard cable channels, never mind a network. Which means ad revenue for the league would also be higher. Why would they make a choice that, in effect, costs them money?

Speaking of business, the market has tanked since the election, down 929 points over the last two days., ever the bastion of objectivity, tells us the drop comes as focus shifts from Obama's historic election victory back to the problems facing the economy. Hmmm.
I am no economist but I can't help but wonder if, in fact, there isn't a cause/effect relationship between Obama's victory and the market's steep decline. President-elect Obama made it very clear he intends to end Bush's tax cuts and increase taxes on wealthy Americans. Is it possible that the stock market is reacting to the election of a President who seems hostile to business?
It's hard not to think the media has a love affair going with Obama, and that in the media as in life, love is blind. We shall see how this develops.
On a related note - one that may shed some light on the market's decline and its causes - I heard Mike & Mike say this morning that many elite athletes are trying to get their contracts renegotiated before January 1 because they expect taxes to go up under Obama's presidency. Interesting.

Today, in the space of three miles I saw two new Mercedes SLK's, both being driven by young attractive blondes. Normally, when I see younger adults driving expensive vehicles I think to myself, "Yeah, but they did it on a financially stupid lease and are undoubtedly living well beyond their means." But in this case I decided to let that go and just smile.

I don't think this video is viral. Might be, but it looks to me like somebody had legit footage that was then turned into a commercial.
Wrong Car

NASCAR comes to Phoenix twice each year and this is one of those weekends. They started showing up on the freeways a couple of days ago - first the fancy semis carrying the team vehicles and equipment, and then the motor homes of all types and sizes. Lots of money in some of those rigs!
The events - Craftsman Truck Series, Nationwide Series and Cup Series - keep Phoenix International Raceway (PIR) a very packed and busy place for the weekend. One of the local grocery chains sets up a temporary store on the grounds to cater to the people who camp there in their motorhomes. That store does more business in one weekend than any of their regular stores does in an entire year.
The 5k Aubri and I are running Saturday morning is at a regional park just a few miles from PIR and on one of the roads that leads to the track. I wondered if we'd have traffic problems getting to the park, but the race is at 8:00 a.m., early enough that all the NASCAR fans will still be sleeping off Friday night's liquid refreshments.

Some of the Pathway people who live within the target area report that our direct mail piece has been delivered. Their response, and feedback from others we know within the radius is very positive. They say the piece looks professional and engaging. One person (not Pathway but familiar with who we are) said it communicated that we were a Bible church but also contemporary. Spot on our goals for this!
Our prayer is that some of the 10,700 households getting this will be looking for a Bible church that is also relevant, that the Holy Spirit will direct their response and we'll see them at Pathway this Sunday.
I'll keep you posted.

Some more interesting news, but I think I'll leave that for tomorrow night's post.

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