Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I have six words for you.

"Go ahead, Frank. We're behind you all the way!"

My post last night has started a discussion among blog readers about the best way to hang up bath towels. Some have argued - or their wives have argued - that a towel folded in thirds won't dry out fully because one panel is covered over, front and back. These people fold bath towels in half to achieve even and thorough drying.
This is akin to eating peas with a spoon because they roll off a fork. Yes, it would seem to work better, but it's wrong!

This is obvious simply by looking at your towels. Towel manufacturers put a design detail at the top and bottom of the towel so that, when folded in thirds, this design stripe - usually a section without the plush fabric - creates a handsome border at the bottom of the front facing panel of the towel. The "edges" along both sides are a soft fold created by the proper three-panel method.
When folded in half the appearance is all wrong. The selvage edge shows on one side and a fold on the other. The prima facie evidence is incontrovertible.
And the anecdotal evidence is unanimous. Have you ever walked into a hotel room and seen towels folded in half? Even the Y folds them in thirds.

What, then, is to be done about a towel that doesn't dry completely because one third of it is covered over?
First, I question whether anyone has actually experienced a towel with one wet panel. I think not. There are mysteries in life, things we will never understand because they were never meant to be understood. The ways of towels drying are numbered among them. You may make a perfectly reasonable and logical case that a towel folded in thirds will dry unevenly, but have you any empirical evidence? I suggest you do not, because among the wonders of the universe is the reality that towels, when folded properly - in thirds - dry evenly.
Which brings us to the more important point, our willingness to accept what is right and good whether or not it aligns with our finite understanding of nature. To fold a towel in half because it "makes sense" is to miss out on the blessings of a thoroughly dry towel despite the "laws" of physics. It is to trade mysterious wonders for cold, lifeless intellectualism.
Folding a towel in half also rebels against the clear design of towels. This hubris can only lead to other presumptions, usurpations of a more serious sort. America's prisons are full of people who began their moral descent by folding their towels in half. A gateway to all manner of transgressions.

Now that I think of it, I wonder why the Apostle Paul didn't include the half-fold in his list of sins in Romans 1.


Anonymous said...

Your line of logic is clearly flawless and above reproach. You have a variety of reasons, with clear and objective rationalle. In response to your wisdom, I reply:

My wife prefers that I fold towells in half, and I am wise enough to let go of wisdom in favor of peace.

Anonymous said...

Josh's comments evidence his wisdom. As for evidence of insufficient drying - I have such an experience. Some folks shower at night before bed, some in the morning before work. And sometimes, showering in the morning is followed by an evening pre-bed shower because of hard workouts before retiring for the evening. In these cases, a folded towel does not dry by the morning shower. However, my wet towel placed over the bar unfolded at bedtime, (tag facing the wall, pretty designs facing outward) will certainly be dry by 4 the next morning when I shower. Flexibility is the issue. Consistency, while important, should not be confused with rigidity hidden behind logic. And for those readers who think I don't really understand you humor: yes I do - my bro knows that, of the three of us siblings, I am percieved (inaccurately) to be the most rigid and he'll be shaking his head as he reads this thinking about the pot and the kettle.

Anonymous said...

It is my humble opinion that the USED towel is now dirty and should be laundered not hung and used again. Yes the "y" folds their towels in thirds as do hotels, but let us all hope that when you walk into the room and see the towel hung that way that it IS a CLEAN towel, not one drying so that it can be used again.

:) Stacey

Sue said...

And anyway, the way hotels do things shouldn't be the standard to which we aspire. Have you ever seen those horrifying special reports on TV where they bring a black light into a hotel room? Just sayin'.
