It's the same as the music used for those hated GEICO caveman commercials! Why would they do that? No one working with Cindy Crawford would want her associated with cavemen, especially those working for GEICO. (Don't get me started on them!)
Caroline Kennedy, the only surviving member of Pres. John F. Kennedy's family, has announced that she would like the U.S. Senate seat now vacant because of Hillary Clinton's appointment as Sect. of State in the Obama administration. Under normal circumstances the Kennedy name would make Caroline a lock for the position, but in this case it's a little more complicated.
Caroline Kennedy was an active Obama supporter, stumping for him at large rallies and invoking her father's memory in the process. That did not sit well with Bill, Hillary or her supporters, and now they are actively opposing Kennedy's appointment to the seat. Of course, they can't just say they hate her for supporting Obama, especially since he won and gave Hillary the seat. So the NY version of the Clinton machine is busy pointing out that Caroline Kennedy has never held public office and the Senate is no place for on-the-job training. Heard that one before?
One more interesting news story to watch.
What does it say that I can now see the name Blagojavich in print and pronounce it without stopping to think about it? Or that I can type it without checking the spelling?
Pandora.com has a classical Christmas music station! Alas, even there we're subjected to "a-rum pa pa pum." Heavy sigh.
This one made me think of Norder:
Coke Bomb
Months ago Steve & Michelle asked me to make a list of 52 verses for them to memorize, one per week for a year. In the absence of a deadline that very good idea got pushed back near "sort through the stuff on the floor of the closet." But I didn't forget, and the imminent approach of 2009 put it back on my active to-do list. I even mentioned it at church yesterday as a means of holding myself accountable to complete the project. So this morning I sat down to start the list.
Some early observations:
- Some important verses come as a pair that can't be separated, like Prov. 3:5,6.
- There are theology verses, like Acts 4:12, and living verses, like Romans 12:1. Striking a balance seems like a good goal, but what percentage each?
- Some really powerful statements come as a portion of a long verse, like Josh. 24:15 ("...choose you this day....").
- It's hard not to give a disproportionate number of selections to Romans. Maybe we should just spend a year memorizing Romans.
I'll do some editing, but so far my list is at 43 verses or brief passages. I plan to wrap up the project tomorrow. I think they have a great idea, and I wish I had the capability to do these on flash cards like the big boys would. That would make it easier to learn, and to review as the year progresses. Oh well.
I can't take it any longer. I gotta get back to the gym and regular running/riding/swimming. Aubri made some very good Christmas cookies, brought us a large tin of them, and I've pretty much polished the whole thing off. It's too easy to eat too much this time of year, and in the absence of physical exercise I'm starting to look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy instead of the rock hard specimen I was two weeks ago.
1 comment:
If they make their own flash cards, then they've already started memorizing. You don't have to do all the work. = )
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