Thursday, June 17, 2010

"My grandmother is over 80 and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle." - Henny Youngman

Long day. Good stuff, just lots of it.

We await the results of lab tests on Al. Could be Valley Fever, or worms, or some kind of blood infection... We're hoping it's something that can be treated with copious amounts of water because just the lab work hits the ceiling.

I drove to Mesa today and had lunch with Geoff and Shannon Musa and their three girls. We chose a Chick-fil-A because they have good food and a play area for the kids. Abigail didn't use it, but she's only three months old.

The Musas are nearing the end of their furlough. They are missionaries working with the people of the village of Mibu in Papua New Guinea. Very impressive. At Pathway we've been learning about indigenous missions and what Geoff and Shannon are doing epitomizes that strategy.
I think we'll be spending more time together.

Last night Pam and I went up to Best Buy and got new phones. We're near the end of our 2-year contract so I'd been to the Verizon store to look at options. But I was not pleased with that experience, so Best Buy was the next option.

When we signed up two years ago we got the same phone - one that came free with the contract - and talk minutes. Neither of us ever sent or rec'd text messages.
Now? We've been paying through the nose because texting is so common now, and we pay per message.
So we signed another 2-year contract, this one with an adequate allowance for text messages, which means we'll save about $30 a month. We also both got new (free) phones, a Samsung slider with a full keyboard. No fancy G8, touch screen, watch TV shows, check the weather in Brunei wonder boxes.
I couldn't handle all of that, anyway.
I'm still trying to figure out how to answer a call.


Anonymous said...

if it is worms or parasites you can get a bag of diatomaceous earth for pretty cheep. just make sure it is food grade, and not what is used for pool filters. just add it to his food EVERY DAY and that should take care of the problem. Cheep and easy.
It is used a lot of the time for farm animals so check out places like tsc or your local grain elevator, you can also find it on the internet. (and try not to breath the is not good for your lungs)


Craig MacDonald said...

You have obviously never been to Phoenix! TSC?? Grain elevator??!!
Girl, it's 105 here, and it's only June! It's 1,000 miles to the nearest grain elevator, and we have lizards and snakes, not farm animals.