Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Never assume you know more than the guy in the camouflage tux." - Mike Greenberg


OK, so I’m a little bothered by this morning at Pathway. Pam would tell you it’s entirely my problem. If it weren’t 100+ degrees out I’d go hammer a bike ride, or smack a bucket of golf balls into oblivion. Something to work out the angst. But since it is that hot I’ll continue to do what I’ve done for the last two hours - flit from book to computer to TV to book to....

This afternoon I read three articles online about the World Cup. One was an account of a game (don’t remember which one) and two dealt with team dissension. Apparently both the French and English teams are near mutiny. Observations:
T.O. and Albert Hayensworth got nothin’ on European soccer players, who seem to epitomize what it means to be a self-absorbed, spoiled brat.
Being a soccer coach (manager?) is all title and no authority. (see #1 above)
The writers Sports Illustrated uses to report on World Cup action either aren’t writing for an American audience, don’t know they’re writing for an American audience or don’t realize how little the vast majority of Americans understand about soccer. I know those articles were written in English because I could pronounce the words, but I have no idea what they were saying.

Pam gave me three books for Father’s Day. Two she picked up at the used book store. She bought the 2006 book, “Why My Wife Thinks I’m an Idiot” by Mike Greenberg because we both enjoy Mike & Mike in the Morning, which we watch in the early morning on ESPN2. (Or did she get it to send me a message?) She ordered the just released “Mike & Mike’s Rules for Sports and Life” for the same reason. The other used book store selection is “America the Beautiful in the Words of Henry David Thoreau.” I did some reading of his stuff when I was in college and played him in “The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail,” my first foray into stage drama.

People immediately connected with Geoff and Shannon Husa this morning. I knew they would.

I have a thing in my head, an idea, the germ of a lesson series. I may spend some time tomorrow sketching it out. But only after a VERY serious bike ride. I will be up out of the saddle!

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